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FrozenGate by Avery

Nova Lasers Price Drops!


Jul 24, 2010
X-Series - Novalasers Inc.

The X-Series seems to have had a pretty significant price drop!

$29.00 for 15mW laser - $160 for 150mW!

I know where I'm getting my next laser. ;)

Will edit this post if other price drops on the site are confirmed, so far, the X-Series is the only one I know of.

EDIT: Price drops across the board!

Endeavor Series, used to be 150mW ($389.00) - 250mW ($589.00), but now it's 150mW ($200) - 275mw ($340)!

They're seriously on page with O-Like's now. Think about it.

Silver chrome green laser 150mW/good finish [OLSGL150] - $92.00 : Welcome to O-Like.com, Your source for laser products

"200mW" O-Like pen with NO infrared filter for $169 shipped. You're probably actually getting like 150mW of green max.

X150 Compact Portable >150mW Laser - X-Series - Novalasers Inc.

150mW Nova pen WITH an infrared filter that blocks 99.5% of infrared that costs $160 shipped. These have been tested to give AVERAGE readings of 175mW. Although it's not focusable/transformable or 18650 like the O-Like, it's still CNI and has one of the best divergences in the industry (<1.2mrad). Also, if you like pen hosts, it's even more of a plus. Also comes with a sweet case and has some nice accessories you can look into.


Edit: I didn't even see the referral program they had ("For every new customer that you refer to our store you will receive 10% worth of their first purchase in LightYears."). If viewing my topic helps you decide to buy a laser, please refer asafswan@gmail.com in the comments section while you purchase your laser!
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Sweet! I may pick up one of these just for the novelty of owning a CNI black & gold again.
The prices have dropped on their other products as well.
The Endeavor 275 is only $340.
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I was 2 seconds before buying the Endeavor-275, but saw that Paypal transfers aren´t available at NOVA. Good for me, thought about it and came to the conclusion that I don´t really need this laser lol.
Hopefully LASERGLOW is going to be the next setting down their prices, especially on the 589nm units!

Weren´t there more laser series on NOVALASERS or did they always only sell 532nm units?
I was 2 seconds before buying the Endeavor-275, but saw that Paypal transfers aren´t available at NOVA. Good for me, thought about it and came to the conclusion that I don´t really need this laser lol.

Phew! Close one. I'm seriously considering buying this laser at this time though. :)
Phew! Close one. I'm seriously considering buying this laser at this time though. :)

You shouldn´t wait too long ;)
Some of the Endeavor lasers aren´t in stock, but the 275mn is... but I think not for so long!!
445nm diodes strike again. Enjoy these days, they wont be here forever.

I'm not sure what you mean by that.
I don't think this is due entirely to the 445 craze.

This price drop has been long awaited. It's about time.
I think that the costs of manufacturing DPSS green has come down.
CNI must have slashed prices for their distributors (NOVA and Wicked) so expect a similar price drop from Dragonlasers. This may or may not apply only to the smaller pen type lasers.
And yes, Wicked uses CNI modules in their lasers.

Edit: NOVA also used to sell the "NOVA" series in green and blue. They were PGL-III-Cs. The 532nm was available up to 350mW and 473nm up to 30mW IIRC.
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Hopefully LASERGLOW is going to be the next setting down their prices, especially on the 589nm units!

Weren´t there more laser series on NOVALASERS or did they always only sell 532nm units?

I'm pretty sure they had more series too. Hmm...

And ea, I was wondering how this would affect other company's prices! Hopefully it's all dramatic. :)

You shouldn´t wait too long ;)
Some of the Endeavor lasers aren´t in stock, but the 275mn is... but I think not for so long!!

Yea, I know that! Ha. I think I'll order it today. Maybe I should have waited to make this topic. :shhh: But I'm a nice guy.

I emailed them earlier today though about buying it, asking some questions and whatnot. Haven't gotten an answer yet though.
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Its no coincidence that 3 major laser retailer drop their prices after the 445nm diodes dropped on the scene. Majority wants cheap power, so where do you think they are getting it? 445nm is where.
Its no coincidence that 3 major laser retailer drop their prices after the 445nm diodes dropped on the scene. Majority wants cheap power, so where do you think they are getting it? 445nm is where.

Yes, I'm sure the Casio projectors provided some motivation for dropping prices, but I don't think the 445 diodes are replacing green DPSS. 532nm still has a place of it's own in the hobbyist scene.
NOVA doesn't even sell 445nm lasers (yet).
Also, which 3 companies are you referring to?
I only know of NOVA and Wicked, both of which fall under the CNI umbrella.

445nm is boring anyway. I'm really tired of discussing it. :undecided:
Just placed my order for an x150. I'll let y'all know when it gets here, and what the power output is.
Wooh impulse buying.
After thinking long and hard, I finally bought the 275mW Endeavor. :lasergun:
