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FrozenGate by Avery

Best Burning laser

May 6, 2013
i have a question I'm sure has been asked but didn't find a good answer when I searched. I know the below is from violet, blue , green to red

405nm, 445nm, 450nm , 473nm, 520nm, 532nm, 589nm, 650nm, 638nm 655nm

I'm going to assume the 400's (violet/blues) are the best and of this the 405 is the best for burning?
Or simply asked, I'm looking at a 6000mW laser. what nm should I look for that is best for raw burning...I do Not care about visibility.

i have a question I'm sure has been asked but didn't find a good answer when I searched. I know the below is from violet, blue , green to red

405nm, 445nm, 450nm , 473nm, 520nm, 532nm, 589nm, 650nm, 638nm 655nm

I'm going to assume the 400's (violet/blues) are the best and of this the 405 is the best for burning?
Or simply asked, I'm looking at a 6000mW laser. what nm should I look for that is best for raw burning...I do Not care about visibility.
If that's all you're buying a laser for you'll get bored quickly.
Power density of the beam is more important than the wavelength if you are just trying to burn something. That means to get the most power into the smallest beam profile that you can. Really, a watt at 405nm is the same as a watt at 650nm when it comes to starting a fire. One caveat, the color of the material you are trying to burn must be able to absorb the light from whatever laser you decide to get. So, don't get a laser the same color as your material as it will be mostly reflected. Black materials seem to absorb the best.
Power density of the beam is more important than the wavelength if you are just trying to burn something. That means to get the most power into the smallest beam profile that you can. Really, a watt at 405nm is the same as a watt at 650nm when it comes to starting a fire. One caveat, the color of the material you are trying to burn must be able to absorb the light from whatever laser you decide to get. So, don't get a laser the same color as your material as it will be mostly reflected. Black materials seem to absorb the best.
Right...I know a black piece of paper will not last long as opposed to a white paper cup. All else equal, I was told stay in teh 400's and I was told the 405nm, is hands down most powerful in this aspect, much better than 445 - 450. Lets say all things equal:
negating brightness/visibility (don't care). Lets say a 6000mW for power, Lets say my target is a black piece of plastic, 12" away. Which is going to start making a hole quicker, out of 405nm, 445nm, 450nm , 473nm, 520nm, 532nm, 589nm, 650nm, 638nm 655nm ?
(also may as well negate anything not in the 400's? RIght? )
You don't have to overdrive your imagination ---- 6000mW 405nm laser do not exist---simple.

Is important for you to understand/know/recognize that a laser beam has no temperature - there is no inherent "temperature" to a laser beam. Heat is the random motion of matter particles (atomic or molecular particles).
A laser beam itself is not made of matter but of photons, which have no mass, thus a laser beam can have no temperature.
"Heat" is caused by a laser beams energy being absorbed by a materials surface and turning light energy into heat energy.
"Burning": depends upon the ability of the target to absorb and convert the light energy of whatever wavelength to heat.
You don't have to overdrive your imagination ---- 6000mW 405nm laser do not exist---simple.

Is important for you to understand/know/recognize that a laser beam has no temperature - there is no inherent "temperature" to a laser beam. Heat is the random motion of matter particles (atomic or molecular particles).
A laser beam itself is not made of matter but of photons, which have no mass, thus a laser beam can have no temperature.
"Heat" is caused by a laser beams energy being absorbed by a materials surface and turning light energy into heat energy.
"Burning": depends upon the ability of the target to absorb and convert the light energy of whatever wavelength to heat.
I understand all that, I'm short cutting it to the end of the chase. thats why I say ALL things equal....except for wave length,
Same everything else.....forget the wattage....whatever that may be, say 3 lasers are equal. BUT, one is 405, one is 445 one is 450nm
Which of the three would ......for lack of better terms....do more damage. The "answer" I'm looking for is simply 1 of the 3 wave legnth above.
Let me give an example, We have 3 exact same lasers as far as the wattage. They are all three, fixed mounted, 12 inches away from, each their own block of wood, the wood blocks are all three exactly the same.

#1 is 405nm, #2 is 445nm, #3 is 450nm. They are all 3 turned on at the same time for 25 seconds.

Then turned off. Afterwards, which of the 3 above, would burned the deepest in their block of wood ?

Oh, the wood, for all three blocks, is the same color, a medium brown. which one will do the most damage.

NO, I'm not "looking to do damage" or burn something....I just want the answer, and there is an answer...afterwards, one of the three will have, the most damage.

Maybe this sounds absurd, ridiculous, .....but, I'm just looking for the answer.
I am not replying to condone the high power of some of these diodes, but as of now the NUBM44-V2 is on top for burning. The divergence is nothing to bark about but as the beam profile is a bar is burn very well.
If you just starting out I would start small , like a M140 2W build and work your way up to the big boys. high power is nothing to sneeze at it deserves respect. as with all laser related builds. first you need the sufficient pair os safety glasses to match the WL .
Hope this brings this into light . Enjoy and be safe always.
i feel like iIm not being clear? iIve asked several ways given examples . i don’t want to know which model or brand. let’s say in the examples above all are same brand and model... now same question
I answered your question in my first post. There is no wavelength that is superior to the others for burning purposes. A one watt 405nm laser burns as well as a 650nm one watt laser. A watt is a measure of power and each one watt laser has equal power if it is rated the same. I would start out with an M140 diode driven at 1.8 amps which should give you 2 watts of power with a single element short focal length aspheric lens. This should light most things a blaze for you at a reasonable distance. BWT, that is a 445nm diode, but it wouldn't matter if it were a 660 nm one.
I answered your question in my first post. There is no wavelength that is superior to the others for burning purposes. A one watt 405nm laser burns as well as a 650nm one watt laser. A watt is a measure of power and each one watt laser has equal power if it is rated the same. I would start out with an M140 diode driven at 1.8 amps which should give you 2 watts of power with a single element short focal length aspheric lens. This should light most things a blaze for you at a reasonable distance. BWT, that is a 445nm diode, but it wouldn't matter if it were a 660 nm one.
I'm by far no expert, but isne a 650nm a red lasor? I've never even heard of those being strong enough to generate heat. (red). I have a firend that builds them. His exact words are "The lower or higher the wavelength the more heat (or burning ability) it will generate at any given power. I have a 200mw 405nm laser that burned better than a 1,000mw 445 mm. " What that tells me is all things equal...if I had a 3000mw 405nm, this would be much more powerful than a 3000mw 450nm.....from what he said. From what you are saying....the violet 405 is no stronger than a red/marron 650nm?

as I said, I'm no expert, I'm looking at buying another (I have 5) before they get harder to buy. below are the two I'm debating over.
5000mw class4

10,000mw class 3

I'm aware,,,,Its say they are in New Jersey, but we all know its china, and thres now way its a reall 5000 or 10000mw...I'm aware. 3 of the 5 I have are from this company, the price is good, and the lasers are rugid, they've lasted years. I have a supposed 2000mw and 6000mw...(not sure the nm) and they are both real beasts.
Yes, any laser between 635nm and 660nm is a red laser. But, THERE IS NO ADVANTAGE TO A LASER FOR BURNING BY WAVELENGTH ALONE. Any 405nm laser at 1 watt is the same as a 450nm laser, a 520 laser or a 650nm laser of the same power. Now, the power density may be different as a single mode laser will focus to a smaller point than a multi-mode will. And the 7 watt 445nm laser diodes have emitters so large that they focus to a line instead of a dot. These will burn quite well at short distances, but to burn at longer distance they need corrective optics.
Laserpointerpro prey on people who don't know any better . Don't trust anything they say on that site.
They lie and misrepresent the output of the lasers they sell --in USA it would be fraudulent misrepresentation---in China it's par for the course and the rule not the exception--laserpointerpro is a con game by rip-artists

You would be lucky if the first one you linked to which says 5000mW is actually in the real world 500mW--the second link is even worse, they say it is 10000 mW which is preposterous. In the real world is a $5 laser 303 that is probably more like 100mW. Look on eBay--search "laser 303 405nm" you can purchase exactly the same thing for $8.88 or less. $99.99 is a laserpointerpro bad joke foisted on the unsuspecting uneducated.

Avoid that site like the plague they sell lowest quality garbage and grossly misrepresent the output + charge absurdly high prices --they are bandits that prey on people that don't know any better.
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Laserpointerpro prey on people who don't know any better . Don't trust anything they say on that site.
They lie and misrepresent the output of the lasers they sell --in USA it would be fraudulent misrepresentation---in China it's par for the course and the rule not the exception--laserpointerpro is a con game by rip-artists

You would be lucky if the first one you linked to which says 5000mW is actually in the real world 500mW--the second link is even worse, they say it is 10000 mW which is preposterous. In the real world is a $5 laser 303 that is probably more like 100mW. Look on eBay--search "laser 303 405nm" you can purchase exactly the same thing for $8.88 or less. $99.99 is a laserpointerpro bad joke foisted on the unsuspecting uneducated.

Avoid that site like the plague they sell lowest quality garbage and grossly misrepresent the output + charge absurdly high prices --they are bandits that prey on people that don't know any better.

Like I said, I've bought 3 from them in the past, the 2000mw, blue one is as sturdy as they come, and will start a fire from 15 feet away it was $88. Its lasted 4 years, bouncing around in my trunk and has at least 2-3 hours of shine time on it. So? if thats a low quality junker I paid tomuch for? and not a "real 2000mw" ? I'd be scared to see what a real one does! Are you saying you can show me a site where for $75 to $150 I can get better?....please do!
Sorry I missed the part about ebay, and the "laser 303 405nm " So your telling me, for 10 bucks, this "laser 303 405nm " will start a fire from accross the room and / or burn through a 1/8 inch thick plastic (HARD plastic not a solo cup)?
