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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

What's going on around the world.

Jul 10, 2015
Yea from what I heard our bombers dropped long range stand off ( air launched tomahawks ), so we never really got into the teeth as they say of the Russian s400 SAM missiles that can reach out 250-400km

I'm sure we didn't send any sneaky drones to take out said SAM batterys either.

Syria claims to have shot down 77 out of 103 tomahawks but that number is sure to be inflated.

Just so long as "Syria" doesn't launch any hypersonic anti ship missiles acquired from their friends next time, otherwise...........

Actually the British spy and his daughter that Russian agents hit with the nasty neurotoxin may be yet another factor in this wrist slapping.

I'm sure we did this for all the right reasons regardless of the PR and whatnot and I am very much on our side, also the Russians do have quite the biological weapons history and we sure as hell don't want any Muslim extremist coming into contact with any of that, so I understand the concern.




May 14, 2011
Here's what I wanted to post and accidentally edited diachi's, apologies dude, my bad:

As soon as I heard this I thought BS, this is a red flag operation against Assad, I don't believe it, and they march forward with this as if it was his doing, I will say it again, I doubt this very much, likely a CIA operation. If this did indeed come from his military, someone inside was bribed or black mailed by an outside group to use chem weapons without Assad knowing about it is the worst case I can think of inside his command for why this happened. There are a thousand ways to skin a cat and with enough money behind you, anything is possible.

Possible but hard to believe --doesn't make much sense that Western powers bother to gas people in Douma and show videos of it + it is a standard tactic of Assad who has used chemical weapons “consistently, persistently, over the past five years---nothing new. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Use_of_chemical_weapons_in_the_Syrian_Civil_War

Syria is an almost meaningless nothing Country that has become a sewer for every homicidal drooler on the planet because it is safe for it to happen in a meaningless place. Syria was a nothing Country even before any war there much less now.

The trolls are celebrating :crackup:

"The Pentagon reported Saturday a massive spike in online Russian propaganda efforts in the hours before and after the U.S. missile strike on Syria the night before.

“The Russian disinformation campaign has already begun. There has been a 2,000 percent increase in Russian trolls in the last 24 hours," chief Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White said in a briefing on Saturday."

See "Russian Trolls Denied Syrian Gas Attack—Before It Happened" https://www.thedailybeast.com/russian-trolls-denied-syrian-gas-attackbefore-it-happened
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Jan 29, 2014
I just can't believe Assad would be that stupid, were they? God help us if they were, clashes with some countries is always bad news, Russia is one of them we don't want to end up getting into serious conflict with, they have nukes, duh. It's an escalation which is my concern now, this action alone (e: against Assad) won't cause nukes to be pulled out of course, but escalation is a possibility. I'm not really a political kind of guy, I don't care about politics, Russia or Assad, but if I sniff dirty pool, it does get my dander up some. Maybe I'm wrong that's what is going on, time will tell. I just know we have done BS red flag ops before, probably will always do them, as other countries have too. When the truth doesn't serve our purposes what can you do? Create something yourself and blame it on the other guy, Hitler was very successful at it.

The older I get, the less I trust what I'm being told. If I live long enough I probably won't believe anything due to being so jaded.
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Jul 10, 2015
It would remain a proxy war even when we were shooting at each other, " Dam those Syrians speak good Russian " much like the Korean pilots that spoke Russian when things got tough back during vietnam, both the US and Russia know that we can never be at war with each other, we are both just consulting in Syria and providing material support, right now we just let it be known that we won't tolerate chem/bio weapons any more than nukes, all 3 must be off limits, and I have to agree, a modern day Black plague is not something I ever want to see or die from when some political refugee bee-bops across our porous border after being exposed at a scientific research facility...better that we blow those research facility's to kingdom come and let it be known that we always will.

Now about the nuke problems in N.Korea and Iran...............

p.s. I understand what you're saying and after thinking about it I believe the details don't matter, even the Democrats have to give a nod on this as terrorist with bio weapons threaten their lives too. Doing nothing would be more dangerous than giving this " wrist slapping ".
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Jan 29, 2014
Too many lives have been lost over this war in Syria, probably would be a good thing if one of Assad's own guards put a bullet in him.
Jul 10, 2015
The day Assad stops doing what his Russian masters say his accident will happen, and then there will be another.
Sep 20, 2013
It was agreed to be a limited attack, but it may of been a step too far too soon. As for diachi’s point, If the UK and France has just been dragged into another Iraq like scenario then there will be a lot of anger from the allied side too. Many here haven’t forgiven Bush or Blair for their actions, and some are still trying to get Blair arrested for war crimes. I don’t like the fact that our three nations have acted without concrete evidence regarding chemical weapons, and despite warnings from Russia about starting a war.

The problem with us going into Iraq was that Dubya had wanted to go into Iraq since his father stopped short of invasion. The WOMD and yellow cake U were all fabrications to try to justify the invasion. This all came out long after "Mission Accomplished" and the insurgency dragged on. Then the torture photos were published and it became clear that Dubya, at Cheney's insistence had made some illegal presidential executive orders that claimed we were no longer bound to the Geneva Convention, which clearly outlaws torture, but this was upheld by the SCOTUS. The awful thing about all this was that Obama wouldn't allow any inquiries into the previous administration and all the senior players in this got off scott free. Does history repeat itself? I guess we will find out.
Jul 10, 2015
Consider that Israel bombed some of the same chem/bio facilities before this, so it was likely a legitimate danger.
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Sep 20, 2013
Are you talking about Iraq? Because the chemical weapons were destroyed by Sadam himself, but he was not willing to admit this as he wanted Iran to believe that he still had them. We, on the other hand, knew all along that chemical weapons were no longer in Iraq.
Jan 29, 2014
What's this statement from Russia that the USA has the worlds largest stocks of chemical weapons, if they are outlawed, why do we have them?
Sep 20, 2013
Hmm. It couldn't be that the security agencies in this country don't admit to having them? I don't know if we have them or not, but I wouldn't be surprised to find out that they do exist.
Oct 29, 2017
The US is a signatory of the 1997 international agreement to destroy and ban production of chemical weapons. Complete destruction by US is not expected until 2023. :( Take Care.



May 14, 2011
What's this statement from Russia that the USA has the worlds largest stocks of chemical weapons, if they are outlawed, why do we have them?

Any statemment by Russia is most likely to be propaganda, misinformation, and fake news.

Because we had a lot of it and the prohibition on transport and restrictions on disposal which is still ongoing. The U.S. prohibition on the transport of chemical weapons has meant that destruction facilities had to be constructed at each of the U.S.'s nine storage facilities.

"The United States chemical weapons program began in 1917 during World War I with the creation of the U.S. Army's Gas Service Section and ended 73 years later in 1990 with the country's practical adoption of the Chemical Weapons Convention "

"According to the U.S. Army Chemical Materials Agency, by January 2012 the United States had destroyed 89.75% of the original stockpile of nearly 31,100 metric tons (34,300 tons) of nerve and mustard agents declared in 1997"

"In May 1991, President George H.W. Bush unilaterally committed the United States to destroying all chemical weapons and renounced the right to chemical weapon retaliation. In 1993, the United States signed the Chemical Weapons Convention, which required the destruction of all chemical weapon agents, dispersal systems, and chemical weapons production facilities by April 2012. The U.S. prohibition on the transport of chemical weapons has meant that destruction facilities had to be constructed at each of the U.S.'s nine storage facilities. The U.S. met the first three of the treaty's four deadlines, destroying 45% of its stockpile of chemical weapons by 2007. By January 2012, the final treaty deadline, the United States had destroyed 89.75% of the original stockpile. Complete destruction was not expected until 2023."

"The primary remaining chemical weapon storage facilities in the U.S. are Pueblo Chemical Depot in Colorado and Blue Grass Army Depot in Kentucky. These two facilities hold 10.25% of the U.S. 1997 declared stockpile and destruction operations are under the Program Executive Office, Assembled Chemical Weapons Alternatives. Other non-stockpile agents (usually test kits) or old buried munitions are occasionally found and are sometimes destroyed in place. Disposal of chemical munitions has concluded at seven of the U.S.'s nine chemical depots (89.75% stockpile reduction). Pueblo and Blue Grass are constructing pilot plans to test novel methods of disposal. The U.S. also uses mobile treatment systems to treat chemical test samples and individual shells without requiring transport from the artillery ranges and abandoned munitions depots where they are occasionally found. The destruction facility for Pueblo began disposal operations in March 2015. Completion at Pueblo is expected in 2019. Blue Grass is expected to complete operation by 2021"

from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_chemical_weapons_program
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Jan 29, 2014
I've been googling this for awhile tonight, thanks for bringing your findings, from this Russia's statement about the US isn't really a fair one, sure, we might have most of them but if we are destroying them and have a program in place to continue doing so, that isn't the same thing.


May 14, 2011
I've been googling this for awhile tonight, thanks for bringing your findings, from this Russia's statement about the US isn't really a fair one, sure, we might have most of them but if we are destroying them and have a program in place to continue doing so, that isn't the same thing.

The propaganda disinformation engines are in full swing, big time.

US says all 105 missiles hit their targets simultaneously, none were shot down, and none of the fancy Russian S-400 surface-to-air defence systems launched anything at all.
The Syrians launched their three-decades-old Russian-supplied anti-aircraft system anti-missiles wildly into the air mostly after all of the allies missiles had hit their targets and had hit their targets.

The disinformation:
The Russian military has claimed that the Syrian air defences, shot down 71 of 103 missiles fired by the US and its allies, the UK and France, a claim denied by the Pentagon. Russia said its advisers had spent the last 18 months completely rebuilding the Syrian air defence system, and said the high number of intercepted rockets spoke to “the high effectiveness of the weaponry in Syria and the excellent training of Syrian servicemen prepared by our specialists”. :crackup:
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Jul 10, 2015
The propaganda disinformation engines are in full swing, big time.

US says all 105 missiles hit their targets simultaneously, none were shot down, and none of the fancy Russian S-400 surface-to-air defence systems launched anything at all.
The Syrians launched their three-decades-old Russian-supplied anti-aircraft system anti-missiles wildly into the air mostly after all of the allies missiles had hit their targets and had hit their targets.

The disinformation:
The Russian military has claimed that the Syrian air defences, shot down 71 of 103 missiles fired by the US and its allies, the UK and France, a claim denied by the Pentagon. Russia said its advisers had spent the last 18 months completely rebuilding the Syrian air defence system, and said the high number of intercepted rockets spoke to “the high effectiveness of the weaponry in Syria and the excellent training of Syrian servicemen prepared by our specialists”. :crackup:

^ What he said. ^
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