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FrozenGate by Avery

One step closer.


Apr 23, 2016
Needing a camera tripod and a laser tripod stand. Being a avid thrift store shopper. I picked up a telescope tripod and a camera tripod and combined the two. With a total of about $20.00 dollars invested, think things went quite well. Would like to add one of the multiple mic/laser adapters so I can mount 4-6 lasers on it depending what the need might be. But hoping in the future to get some real top quality beam shots. Seem to fit all different size laser also. One step closer. :)








The only thing is, if you take a picture of your good camera, you have to use your not-so-good camera. Once again sorry for the not-so-good pictures. I'm a working on it. :D
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hehehehe, we'll make an astro-photographer out of you yet Bob !! :whistle:
What a clever idea, well done.
Can't wait to see the results.
Also didn't realise the size of the RGB build that Arctic made for you, wow that's big.
Nice, you may have to invest in a 'few' more $20 setups to fit all your lasers on at once though. :crackup:

Hah! Cool idea, I like it! :)

Thanks, diachi, for under 20 bucks, not to shabby at all. :)

Nice! Maybe you can use this for the lab laser? :pop:


Hi Alex, Thanks, I don't think the 2.6 watter needs a holder. But I can pick up on a subtle hint. :crackup:

I'm working on it. :D :pop:


@ RB; an Astro-photogragher would work for me !
Yes Arctic's host is on the large side, but it's got unlimited duty cycle, makes it all sorts of fun to play with.

Lets see, the largest muilti-holder I found could hold 6 laser. That would be 6 times (one second please need to take my socks off to help me count) :crackup: :D
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You had to go there didn't you.

:crackup: crackup :crackup:

Yeah, but I haven't finished my morning cup of coffee and couldn't count so I edited my original post.
I know you're not a cow... :crackup:
Yeah, but I haven't finished my morning cup of coffee and couldn't count so I edited my original post.
I know you're not a cow... :crackup:

Saw that, and got you covered. Edit the quote, so maybe it will fly under the radar. :)

Ps, been called a whole lot worse than a cow before. So that's almost a complement. :crackup:
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Hi BM,
Wow didn't know you were an engineer at heart, thats one sick laser photographer beam capturing devise. Im impressed buddy i smell some BA beam shots coming from this invention.
Very professional if i must say Nice .. Now we need some proton pics.. :bowdown::worthy: + REP

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Hi BM,
Wow didn't know you were an engineer at heart, thats one sick laser photographer beam capturing devise. Im impressed buddy i smell some BA beam shots coming from this invention.
Very professional if i must say Nice .. Now we need some proton pics.. :bowdown::worthy: + REP


Thanks Rich! "one sick laser photographer beam capturing devise". :crackup:, that's to funny!

It was a joint project with my Son. A father and Son project, had a great time! There was a half dozen bolts that had to be replaced. And the support that held the legs had to be replaced with the one from the camera tripod. A set screw (tiny) had to be replaced on one of the adjustment knobs, but it's all back and up and running. :)

Hoping when the sun go down tonight, planning on trying to grab some beam shots. (if the neighbors aren't out)
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That is brilliant Bob!! Does it come in foldable version and where I can send PayPal? :crackup:

I have been thinking something similar to this for my beamshots. Putting gears together and breaking parts again takes quite a time. Can't change shooting location too often with my current setup just for assembling then disassembling all the gears.
That is brilliant Bob!! Does it come in foldable version and where I can send PayPal? :crackup:

I have been thinking something similar to this for my beamshots. Putting gears together and breaking parts again takes quite a time. Can't change shooting location too often with my current setup just for assembling then disassembling all the gears.

It folds up just like a regular tripod, but for some reason when it get shipped it seems to cause a problem with all the other luggage and always get returned. :crackup:

I've taken a dozen or so shots with it so far and it's not dark enough yet, maybe in another hour or so.
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Take few RGB to pool shots too! :)

PS. That "Color touch" mode I mentioned is very suitable for doing that ;)
Take few RGB to pool shots too! :)

PS. That "Color touch" mode I mentioned is very suitable for doing that ;)

I just used a Sanwu 5 watt Because it has unlimited duty cycle. Took about 30 pictures. Tried the iso from 3200 to 100. 200 on the iso seemed the best. Than I tried f stop from 32 to 4, f16 seemed to be the best. Than moved the shutter speed around, 4 seconds seemed to be the best, with manual focus. So we got;

1) iso at 200
2)f stop at 16
3)shutter speed at 4 seconds

with those setting the 445 seems to be the "blue-ist' without any purple hue. Taking a break, try some more tomorrow night.

I'll use yours tomorrow, and try the "color touch mode" and shoot some in the pool ( thanks for the hint), this was my first real serious attempt. And learned a lot. :)
Yeah, high ISO number is good option when you'll need to take pictures with fast shutter speed in low light conditions e.g shooting without tripod or if there is some else reason why long exposure is not ideal. Example really windy night and you don't want too much trees movement captured.

Usually I prefer longer exposures, but some situations increasing ISO is only option :)
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