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FrozenGate by Avery

CNI can satisfy your 543 DPSS portable needs!

Sep 5, 2013
Spoke to CNI over the weekend. They can do 543 DPSS portable modules if anyone is interested. *Dr. Laser* just a heads up guys!

Price for PGL-V-H-543 5mW is $520 :D :)


That would be an interesting wavelength to have. Though personally if I do anything through CNI it'd be 561, 577, or 607. Most interested in 607, but that's the one they won't come out and say "yes, we can do that in a handheld".
Always nice to see more wavelengths becoming available. And I know that I for one would GLADLY pay upwards of $500 for around 10mW of 607 in a GLP host so long as it were decently stable. Maybe we should all get together and settle on a price/mW of 607 we would pay and see if more than one of us interested could get them to do it.
500? You're dreaming buddy, we'll probably never see those prices for the process they use to get 607 :undecided:

Maybe 2k.... 1500 at lowest.... 607 isnt your usual DPSS. Something that uses a 445 for a pump. Crystal itself probably runs for a grand. (At least last I checked)
I don't think there is enough visual difference from 532 to justify the price. But good to see CNI willing to put more exotic wavelengths into compact modules.
5mW! :pop:

Yeah, that would definitely be interesting. Expensive as hell though!


You must be young. 5 mw green dpss pointers once cost a lot as did red 670 pointers, $200 for a red pointer.
Not really seeing the point of 543nm. Not enough difference between it and 532nm to really be worth it. I would just go for 561nm where you see a distinct difference.
Hell, go further, 561 nm! I would like to talk to CNI to see if they can supply parts for a home built 589 nm laser, might be cheaper to just buy a completed one, I donno.
They'd supply the module but not fully assembled with host for those of us in the USA. PGL-H I believe. They offered me a quote on 577 in one of those but its price is way out of my league right now...
Hell, go further, 561 nm! I would like to talk to CNI to see if they can supply parts for a home built 589 nm laser, might be cheaper to just buy a completed one, I donno.

Yes, 561nm or 577nm would be great, but like Z says, the pricing is probably out if our league for most of us.
Seeing that they would be modules only, is there any chance of getting anything greater than 5mW on any of these?

Alaskan, would CNI send you items that they can't send to the US, seeing that you are in Iraq, or is that still considered the US since you're on a military base?
500? You're dreaming buddy, we'll probably never see those prices for the process they use to get 607 :undecided:

Maybe 2k.... 1500 at lowest.... 607 isnt your usual DPSS. Something that uses a 445 for a pump. Crystal itself probably runs for a grand. (At least last I checked)

I can't provide proof, but I've heard 5mW 532nm dpss laser pointers cost over a $1000 way back when.
I can't provide proof, but I've heard 5mW 532nm dpss laser pointers cost over a $1000 way back when.

You can see some old Wicked Laser retail prices here: About us - Wicked Lasers

2006 and 2007 - 300mW 532nm green $1999.00

2009 - 500mW 532nm green $4999.00

I would guess CNI would probably make up many other wavelength DPSS modules for correct $s to do it, if they have the time.
That they don't promote and offer as standard what there is no call for/demand for, only makes good business sense.
"Every year, about 25000 pcs CNI products are delivered to more than 8000 customers around the world" says their web site--they are a busy company.

CNI Laser Wavelengths available (nm)
257 261 266 303 320 349
351 355 360 375 395 397
400 405 410 415 420 430
440 442 445 447 450 454
457 460 462 465 470 473
480 488 491 501 505 510
514 515 520 522 523 526
532 540 543 550 552 555
556 561 577 588 589 593
604 607 622 627 633 635
637 639 640 642 650 655
656 660 665 666 671 680
685 690 705 721 730 750
760 785 786 793 800 808
825 830 845 852 860 879
880 885 905 914 915 940
946 965 975 980 1030 1040
1047 1053 1060 1064 1085 1105
1112 1120 1122 1177 1208 1275
1310 1313 1319 1320 1342 1380
1413 1444 1450 1470 1532 1550
1573 1600 1645 1710 1850 1870
1900 1910 1940 1990 2096 2200
2796 2940 3800 4000 4200 4400
4500 4600 4800
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500? You're dreaming buddy, we'll probably never see those prices for the process they use to get 607 :undecided:

Maybe 2k.... 1500 at lowest.... 607 isnt your usual DPSS. Something that uses a 445 for a pump. Crystal itself probably runs for a grand. (At least last I checked)

I can dream, can't I? Imagine what any one of us would have said about having these 473nm diodes just a year ago. I have done some research into the 607nm process and it seemed that the limiting factor was demand for it. Rgob displays anyone? Iirc the articles I had read on it used a nd:ylf Crystal pumped with 445 which directly and relatively efficiently caused it to lase at 607. Seemed a lot simpler than most of the current processes however it also seemed to be in its infancy at the same time.
Maybe one day...
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BowtieGuy said:
Alaskan, would CNI send you items that they can't send to the US, seeing that you are in Iraq, or is that still considered the US since you're on a military base?

Anything shipped to me here still goes through the USA, unfortunately.
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