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FrozenGate by Avery

Visible at daylight

Mar 14, 2017
Hello guys, well I really looked at forum but couln't find my answer really. Sorry if I miss something. Well I am a newbie about this things but really keen on to learn. I just bought a green laser from a site like eBay but Turkish version. It says 500mw on it but i don't think it is 500mw. The beam barely visible in day light sometimes you can hardly see it but it is not that bad when it's night. I checked around internet and I think my laser is around 100mw or 200mw I am considering to refound it becaouse thats not the laser that I want. Also the battery is fully charged I'm sure. What should I buy for seeing the beam clearly and bright even in the daylight? What is the Mw or the brand of it and the price. Well it would be better if you send me some links for it. :D I don't want to burn things up but just want to see that green beautiful beam clearly and shiny. So want to learn the optimal mw for me. Thanks, have a nice day. :D Appreciated for your help. Here is some photos of the laser;

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Call me harsh, but are you a troll? Just kidding, but why don't you link to the laser you bought online so we can see the advertisement which probably has a photo?
Unless you A) don't want something handheld and B) have several thousand dollars to spend, you're not going to get something with a visible beam in direct sunlight.

Which laser did you buy already?
Hello guys, well I really looked at forum but couln't find my answer really. Sorry if I miss something. Well I am a newbie about this things but really keen on to learn. I just bought a green laser from a site like eBay but Turkish version. It says 500mw on it but i don't think it is 500mw. The beam barely visible in day light sometimes you can hardly see it but it is not that bad when it's night. I checked around internet and I think my laser is around 100mw or 200mw I am considering to refound it becaouse thats not the laser that I want. Also the battery is fully charged I'm sure. What should I buy for seeing the beam clearly and bright even in the daylight? What is the Mw or the brand of it and the price. Well it would be better if you send me some links for it. :D I don't want to burn things up but just want to see that green beautiful beam clearly and shiny. So want to learn the optimal mw for me. Thanks, have a nice day. :D Appreciated for your help.

Be precise about what you mean by "see the beam in daylight".
Edited and added some photos well i want to learn if it possible to see the beam clearly in daylight as clear as at night if its possible than what i should buy
Edited and added some photos well i want to learn if it possible to see the beam clearly in daylight as clear as at night if its possible than what i should buy

The pointer you have is maybe 100mW - how much did you pay for it?

If you want a visible beam in daylight conditions as bright as you get at night then you'll need to spend a lot of money.
I paid like 15 dolars. Yea I kinda figured it out while I was searcing. So for this price I think this is the max beam visibilty I can have. But just wondering the ''a lot'' you just said. :D Like what can you link :)
My 2.5W 532 lab unit retails for about $3,000 new and has a slightly visible beam in daylight.


This is our friendly HMT, I think, but of course, there are newbies like this, but the writing style is just too familiar :)
and yes İ want something hendheld and here is the link for those who want (it says 5000mw which is a big lie and reported it for sure) :D

You have your answer already from "diachi" twice now in post #5 and #8.

THe answer is NO unless you want to spend alot of money & you can not buy a handheld 532nm green laser with a visible beam like your 303 in the dark, in full daylight because a handheld with the required output power doesn't exist.

You apparently did not use LPF search about this question because it has been discussed and answered many times already.
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IDK if any handheld 532nm lasers exist which will give you a clearly visible beam in full daylight. Dusk and dawn possibly, but not daylight.
If you go inside during daylight, many lasers can be visible without waiting for night to come.
