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Hello and Thank you from California

Feb 27, 2017
Hello everyone I'm new to the forums and wanted to say thanks. Ive been wanting to purchase some high power lasers for a while but with the cost of tuition Ive been holding off. I didn't know which companies were selling quality and which were full of hot air. After finding this forum and reading some of the post from the vets here I decided to go with Sanwu! The body design, unlimited duty cycle, price... It was hard not to go with Podo's equipment. I ended up getting a few Spiker and Spiker Saber models in 1W 405nm, 4W 465nm, 1W 520nm, 1W 639nm, and a 100mW 532nm pointer. I placed two orders today 2/27/17 so I post when they arrive. I'm so excited and cant wait expand my new lasers collection in the future.
My apologies if this isn't the correct thread to ask this but the last one i posted to hast seen a new post since 2015 which I noticed a couple hours later. I have a question for any of the vets reading this post. I really want to find a high power yellow laser and so far for the price and quality I keep leaning towards Dragon lasers. Does anyone have anymore insight as to what other brands or models I should look into for this wave length? Looking for quality, visually appealing, and beam stability for a reasonable cost, ~$500, if that exists. Thanks again!

Hello everyone I'm new to the forums and wanted to say thanks. Ive been wanting to purchase some high power lasers for a while but with the cost of tuition Ive been holding off. I didn't know which companies were selling quality and which were full of hot air. After finding this forum and reading some of the post from the vets here I decided to go with Sanwu! The body design, unlimited duty cycle, price... It was hard not to go with Podo's equipment. I ended up getting a few Spiker and Spiker Saber models in 1W 405nm, 4W 465nm, 1W 520nm, 1W 639nm, and a 100mW 532nm pointer. I placed two orders today 2/27/17 so I post when they arrive. I'm so excited and cant wait expand my new lasers collection in the future.
My apologies if this isn't the correct thread to ask this but the last one i posted to hast seen a new post since 2015 which I noticed a couple hours later. I have a question for any of the vets reading this post. I really want to find a high power yellow laser and so far for the price and quality I keep leaning towards Dragon lasers. Does anyone have anymore insight as to what other brands or models I should look into for this wave length? Looking for quality, visually appealing, and beam stability for a reasonable cost, ~$500, if that exists. Thanks again!

Just answered your other post. :thinking:
I saw that, Thank you BobMc. I took a break from homework to checked the forums and noticed where I posted :o was the wrong place. I think it was either at the same time or right before I got your email. If I need to delete that other post I can.
I saw that, Thank you BobMc. I took a break from homework to checked the forums and noticed where I posted :o was the wrong place. I think it was either at the same time or right before I got your email. If I need to delete that other post I can.

Ask the moderator if the can move the other post? But welcome again, that's a large order of Sanwu's you got coming. I'm a Sanwu fan myself and have a nice collection of them. They're coming out with a underwater laser that promises to be something special. Be safe and enjoy, oh as far as a yellow laser there's a few people that have them on the forum hopefully they will chime in. I don't have any real yellows ( yet ). I have a red and green to yellow in a small lab unit. And have commissioned a builder I know to pbs cube to higher power diodes together to get hopefully 500mw's - 1 watt of yellow but he's still working on it. Hope soon though. Once again welcome and there's a world of good Laser info here so enjoy. :)
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Ask the moderator if the can move the other post? But welcome again, that's a large order of Sanwu's you got coming. I'm a Sanwu fan myself and have a nice collection of them. They're coming out with a underwater laser that promises to be something special. Be safe and enjoy, oh as far as a yellow laser there's a few people that have them on the forum hopefully they will chime in. I don't have any real yellows ( yet ). I have a red and green to yellow in a small lab unit. And have commissioned a builder I know to pbs cube to higher power diodes together to get hopefully 500mw's - 1 watt of yellow but he's still working on it. Hope soon though. Once again welcome and there's a world of good Laser info here so enjoy. :)

I totally replied to the email notification I got from your first reply and I noticed and I don't think I can.
"Thank you BobMc, I noticed the thread was older a few hours too late. Sorry about that but I did find the welcome area and posted. I hope that was okay.
I would love to write a review as soon as I can, after all it was read others that help me stay away from poor quality equipment and sellers. As for eye protection, you're absolutely right! I live out in a rural country side of San Diego where it's pretty secluded but I'll still be carful not to harm others and avoid planes. I'm currently researching models for all the wavelengths/power output that are on the way. I think Eagle Pair was recommended by most and the most adorable for the protection. Do you have any recommendations for eyewear? Should/can I delete that post I made in the wrong area? "

I just tried to order some Eagle Pair from survival laser and I got a "Cannot ship to you location" notification so I'll keep searching. I'll try and ask a moderator to move or correct my first thread once I figure out who to ask. Also I did make sure to get the Beam expanders for the lasers! I saw a few video and posts from others and it looks great! I was still unsure on the lenses though and went with the G7's.
So all I need to get next is some eye protection and a few sets of quality Li-ion battries and chargers. I'm sure I can find a thread on those topics :)
I totally replied to the email notification I got from your first reply and I noticed and I don't think I can.
"Thank you BobMc, I noticed the thread was older a few hours too late. Sorry about that but I did find the welcome area and posted. I hope that was okay.
I would love to write a review as soon as I can, after all it was read others that help me stay away from poor quality equipment and sellers. As for eye protection, you're absolutely right! I live out in a rural country side of San Diego where it's pretty secluded but I'll still be carful not to harm others and avoid planes. I'm currently researching models for all the wavelengths/power output that are on the way. I think Eagle Pair was recommended by most and the most adorable for the protection. Do you have any recommendations for eyewear? Should/can I delete that post I made in the wrong area? "

I just tried to order some Eagle Pair from survival laser and I got a "Cannot ship to you location" notification so I'll keep searching. I'll try and ask a moderator to move or correct my first thread once I figure out who to ask. Also I did make sure to get the Beam expanders for the lasers! I saw a few video and posts from others and it looks great! I was still unsure on the lenses though and went with the G7's.
So all I need to get next is some eye protection and a few sets of quality Li-ion battries and chargers. I'm sure I can find a thread on those topics :)

You can just leave the other post it will be fine. As far as ordering from Survival Lasers you went to the international site go to the USA site you can order from there. And yes eagle pairs are excellent. Glad you got the BE you won't regret it. All my Sanwu's have g7's it's a split between g2 for burning and 3 element for divergence. Looking forward to you review. :)
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And welcome to LPF , lots of info and great folks here enjoy your stay..

Awesome! I came to the same conclusion myself and decided to order a 3 watt silver series and two of the pocket series 650 and 405nm. I placed my order on Feb 19th and it hit customs yesterday. They build the lasers as the orders come in I believe so it takes 2-5 days to make it and then it will ship. I'm excited to get my lasers too!
Welcome to forum Atlas. :) Stay safe and have fun. I recommend that you add your location to your profile, as it just makes things easier in the future. :beer:
Awesome! I came to the same conclusion myself and decided to order a 3 watt silver series and two of the pocket series 650 and 405nm. I placed my order on Feb 19th and it hit customs yesterday. They build the lasers as the orders come in I believe so it takes 2-5 days to make it and then it will ship. I'm excited to get my lasers too!

Thanks for all the warm welcome! I never really thought about customs and that process. Over the years I've purchased stuff from all over but never anything like these lasers. How can you tell when its hit customs, is that visible on tracking information? :undecided: What is that process like?
Thanks for all the warm welcome! I never really thought about customs and that process. Over the years I've purchased stuff from all over but never anything like these lasers. How can you tell when its hit customs, is that visible on tracking information? :undecided: What is that process like?

When I've ordered from Sanwu they give tracking numbers. When I've ordered lasers I always get expedited shipping. It seems to get in and out of customs in about 2-4 days ( not counting weekends ) yes the tracking number will update and show you aprox where/when it's at. Never had a problem with customs. So best wishes. Beam shots? ( hint hint). :D
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My tracking number from Sanwu never showed up except for on HK post website where it only ever said that the package left. Usually I get better tracking. I didn't see the number on my package, so maybe they couldn't track it. I got it either way.
My tracking number from Sanwu never showed up except for on HK post website where it only ever said that the package left. Usually I get better tracking. I didn't see the number on my package, so maybe they couldn't track it. I got it either way.

Curious, did you get expedited shipping or regular ?
Hello everyone I'm new to the forums and wanted to say thanks. Ive been wanting to purchase some high power lasers for a while but with the cost of tuition Ive been holding off. I didn't know which companies were selling quality and which were full of hot air. After finding this forum and reading some of the post from the vets here I decided to go with Sanwu! The body design, unlimited duty cycle, price... It was hard not to go with Podo's equipment. I ended up getting a few Spiker and Spiker Saber models in 1W 405nm, 4W 465nm, 1W 520nm, 1W 639nm, and a 100mW 532nm pointer. I placed two orders today 2/27/17 so I post when they arrive. I'm so excited and cant wait expand my new lasers collection in the future.
My apologies if this isn't the correct thread to ask this but the last one i posted to hast seen a new post since 2015 which I noticed a couple hours later. I have a question for any of the vets reading this post. I really want to find a high power yellow laser and so far for the price and quality I keep leaning towards Dragon lasers. Does anyone have anymore insight as to what other brands or models I should look into for this wave length? Looking for quality, visually appealing, and beam stability for a reasonable cost, ~$500, if that exists. Thanks again!
Sounds like you will need 3 Sanwu beam expanders don't forget the adapters. Hopefully you ordered your lasers with G7 lenses.
