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FrozenGate by Avery

510nm / Brass/ Aluminum Pen

Dec 15, 2014
Just received this beautiful WL From Lazeerer check it out.
In it is;
Host from Ehgemus sweet Brass and Aluminum Pen
Diode And X Boost Driver from Lazeerer ( Don't remember the setting )
Lens G2
1-14500 Efest Cell
Very much towards Cyan,Camera did't pic up Very pleased with the results.
Nice little pocket pen in an awesome WL.. Here are some pics and of the graphs also.. Hope you enjoy the build..


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That is very nice!It is also my favorite color.I am thinking of getting a Nichia 100mw 515 module from DTR and then having a 3 AA host made for it...single mode diodes have sweet divergence too!

Nice build!!!
thank you for the nice reply C..Yes the 515nm is a great WL and single mode diode. Just a suggestion if you get a host made for one 18350 or even a 14500 cell with a X Boost driver that would give the diode great heat sinking and a larger rechargeable cell in a lithium ion .
The 515nm diode ran at a lower Driving Amperage might give you closer to 510nm and you can get that color from it. Just a thought. Well good luck to you with your build whatever you decide to do..

This is the NDG4216 diode, right? Is there a noticeable difference in colour between driving it at 30mW and 510nm, compared to 130mW and 518ish nm?
Nice dude.
Is that diode right at 510nm
Ive been waiting to get my hands on one myself.
This is the NDG4216 diode, right? Is there a noticeable difference in colour between driving it at 30mW and 510nm, compared to 130mW and 518ish nm?

That's the diode I want...I thought this build used one of the lower power Nichia'a...that was just my guess.
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Hi Gabe ,
yes it is noticeable those few NM's make a difference running it lower. I'm pleased with it very much It campout great thanks Pal for checking it out.

@ Laserman,Yes it is just check out the graphs i posted they tell you what you need to know.There's a low and high spec read outs For this diode.Hope this helps you a bit

@ Cistercian,
It's a great single mode and at that WL it's worth the cash the color is awesome in real life. My camera isn't the best ,but then again i seen a lot worst photos.Thank you for your reply well appreciated ..
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Neat! How nice of a color is 510nm? I've seen 500.8nm on internet color charts and am not a fan of it, so wondering :D

What's up Hap i enjoy the shift a lot something different from the same old WL's . As you know camera's don't do some WL's justice, but seeing it first hand is priceless in my opinion.
I like to try just about anything i'll have a surprise in a couple weeks to post . Thanks for checking out Pal..

You are welcome my friend!Again, congratulations on such a nice build and esp such a beautiful wavelength!!!
Neat! How nice of a color is 510nm? I've seen 500.8nm on internet color charts and am not a fan of it, so wondering :D


I bought a 520 skylaser @ 50mw.It must be less than 520 since it is more teal than my Jetlaser 1w 520.I actually don't like 532nm very much now...my fav color is closer to 510 or so.To me it is just gorgeous.

Of course it is totally subjective....different colors appeal to different users.

I plus rep this build just for seeking the epicness of this color.And sacrificing power to do so.
Why thank you C for that wonderful compliment. There's so much you can do with a diode if you have the right specs. You can get a different WL with a slight Shift here and there.
WL colors are really what's this is all about besides raw power out put. The entire color spectrum is breath taking In our hand held and labbies to our Ne He's but first of all where it all started in nature .

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That is a nice WL. Thanks for posting the pictures. I like the host design with the different steps in it but the dual materials in it and the polished finish is what really makes the host stand out IMHO.
Why thank you C for that wonderful compliment. There's so much you can do with a diode if you have the right specs. You can get a different WL with a slight Shift here and there.
WL colors are really what's this is all about besides raw power out put. The entire color spectrum is breath taking In our hand held and labbies to our Ne He's but first of all where it all started in nature .


You are most welcome!
What's up Hap i enjoy the shift a lot something different from the same old WL's . As you know camera's don't do some WL's justice, but seeing it first hand is priceless in my opinion.
I like to try just about anything i'll have a surprise in a couple weeks to post . Thanks for checking out Pal..


No problem! :D

That is a nice WL. Thanks for posting the pictures. I like the host design with the different steps in it but the dual materials in it and the polished finish is what really makes the host stand out IMHO.

Hi L Chick,
Why thank you for noticing the host, I had it laying around foursome time now. Well i'm glad i holdout building on it. I thought so to, it can together nicely. And the color WL was made for it. thank you for your comment always a pleasure. All the setup and diode is from Lazeerer he's the master of WL and drivers. Won't use anything else but his drivers.

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