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Cheap 532nm goggles?

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Apr 3, 2014
I know there are already millions of threads where is asked about cheap 532nm goggles... but most of them are ~5 years old. Most links dont work and often there just is said "no, there are no cheap and good goggles!".
So I am asking this now again. I want to buy 100 mw green laser and I would like to have some safety goggles. But when I spend 15$ on a laser I dont want to spend 50$ on goggles. I think 20$ would be ok, including shipping.

Is there something like this which already has been tested by some forum member?

Here is the conundrum:

A cheap 532nm laser likely lacks an IR filter, meaning to be totally safe, glasses blocking both IR and 532nm are needed. glasses blocking both are more expensive, but more expensive 532nm lasers have good IR filters, and relatively cheap glasses blocking just 532nm light should suffice
that's like if I was selling bullet proof vests, and someone came to me saying they want a vest that can stop a .308

I say, sure, we have some of those, but they have to be pretty thick to stop a .308, they cost a bit more.

they say, I know, but just show/sell me a thinner one that will work for a .308

I suppose some blocking just 532 would be better than nothing, but it's kinda like wearing a bicycle helmet on a crotch rocket
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The threads are not 5 years old. You're just being a lazy-ass. Go read through the many other posts that cover this information in multiple places.

You're also being a cheap-ass fool for not choosing to pay for decent goggles to protect your priceless eyes. Even if you can replace your eyes, do you know how much it costs for just having a doctor see what kind of damage you have? Or a trip to the emergency room? You can buy many, many goggles for the price of the healthcare to fix your eyes -- if it can help you at all.

If you're not going to put any effort into your protection, do us all a favor (and yourself) and don't buy or use lasers more powerful than a regular presentation laser pointer. Just close the browser and never think about lasers again.
Please, answer my question. O know the Eagle Pair Goggles but they are way too expensive. 15$ for a laser and 50$ for goggles? no ^^
There are thousands of people who use 100mw lasers even completely without goggles... And for just loking at the dot 100mw is still ok.
But I like safety and that stuff and so I would like to get some cheap goggles, its better then getting no goggles, right?
"Get good goggles" I already read dozens of times in this forum. But cheap goggles are better then no goggles, right? So please just answer my question. Cheap, reviewed 532 blocking goggles I am searching.
Ok buy any goggles what you want but never come later to us and cry about your eyes, if that should'nt worth for you.
Why are you that angry about me? I just have no money for 50$ goggles. And for 100mw laser goggles without IR blocking are completely okay. I think most of you had not spent 50$ for your first laser goggles ^^
So, now please back to the topic, are there any reviewed 532 blocking goggles you can suggest?
I had spent over 60$ for my first goggles. BTW. I'm not angry about you, I'm worried about you because I don't want that you become blind.
Why are you that angry about me? I just have no money for 50$ goggles. And for 100mw laser goggles without IR blocking are completely okay. I think most of you had not spent 50$ for your first laser goggles ^^
So, now please back to the topic, are there any reviewed 532 blocking goggles you can suggest?

Then save up $50. It isn't that hard to come by. Like Tim said, do what what you want. But we are TELLING you due to past mistakes by others you would better off buying a quality pair.
Please just name me some cheap 532 blocking goggles. If I would have to spend 70$ just for having a 100mw laser I dont really use I would never buy it. It is my choice, ok?
You surely posted this in the wrong thread, for me none of the there written things is true.
Or are you just trolling? ^^
Bionic-Badger wrote:
. . . You're also being a cheap-ass fool for not choosing to pay for decent goggles to protect your priceless eyes. Even if you can replace your eyes, do you know how much it costs for just having a doctor see what kind of damage you have? Or a trip to the emergency room? You can buy many, many goggles for the price of the healthcare to fix your eyes -- if it can help you at all. . .

Thank you for putting it this way. You just convinced me to pull the trigger on those Eagle glasses. Your words come across somewhat harsh, but I know you are only saying them because you care. Don't worry. I'm not about to get all group huggy on you all.

I've been using the Uvex's for my blues and they seem to be quite effective for that. But I bought a 532nm a ways back and have to yet to use it as I have been trying to decide what glasses to go with.

By the way, the 10% coupon still works at SL.
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