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FrozenGate by Avery

Permanent eye damage done.

Aug 10, 2012
Hey everyone so I have been fascinated with lasers since about age 13. I bought my first greeny from deal extreme it was advertised as 25mW I never used goggles but I never shined it directly in my eyes but ever since I was 14 I have a tiny black blur in my vision it looks like those circles when you look into the sky except it is black. Now I have a 1watt blue laser and I use safety glasses every time I use it but now I noticed another black blurry dot in my line of vision. I still have 20/20 vision but I see 2 tiny black specs whenever I look at a bright surface. These black spots are not a big deal to me as I barely notice them but I'm wondering how I got them if I always use goggle and never got a direct hit in my eyes.

Have you consulted with an ophthalmologist?

I mean unless you're completely out of it (drunk, high, etc,.), there is just no way you will catch a laser beam, and not notice it.
Do you think it might be a floater? And Infinitus is right, if you did damage to your eye because of lasers you probably would of felt something.
I looked into floaters and I realized that i have nothing to worry about my symptom are nothing to worry about since my floaters don't effect my vision and they haven't changed. However if my symptoms get worse then I will consult a specialist. Thanks for the replies guys.
If I were you I'd get it looked into anyways. A specialist may be able to detect something starting that could develop into a serious & possibly untreatable problem in your future. It's just my .02 but they're you eyes man, what harm is there in having a professional exam done to determine is anything is seriously wrong?

Sounds like floaters to me, have several myself. Best to get it checked out just in case. Better safe than sorry.
Is this somewhat like what you're seeing?

Definitely floaters. You usually don't notice permanent eye damage as your brain compensates for it over time, whereas floaters are constant changing so they do not. Only the doc will be able to tel you if there is any damage if you don't know you took a direct hit yourself.
