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FrozenGate by Avery

[FINALLY SOLD] FS: "The Copperhead" 375mW 635nm Pocket Stainless Steel

Jan 14, 2011
For Sale: "The Copperhead," A 375mW 635nm Pocket Stainless Steel Build, A Wolfman Build


Hey everyone. So I got the go ahead from RHD to do this, so I finally decided to put up my Copperhead for sale. It's not that I don't like it, but I want to upgrade my personal collection of lasers to all be in huge hosts so for extended run times so that I can one day take a great rainbow shot!

So I call this the Arizona Copperhead because it's a type of snake that is native to North America which is notorious for its characteristic copper head. This laser, too, should be. After all, it's a sleek, stainless steel host (originally brought to the forums by rhd by the name of "Ribbed Silver") topped off with quite a literal copper head! I don't know how rhd typically does his Ribbed Silver builds, but I used a FlexDrive in this guy (so I can get a bit more battery life with the tiny IMR10440 I have with it). Because of that, though, I could not fit the top part of the Aixiz module into the host... so that's where the copper comes in!

Anyway, the part that makes this the "Copperhead" really special is what I like to think of as a tiny heatsink. While the bottom end of the Aixiz module is thermally glued to the interior of the stainless steel host, I wanted a bit more heatsinking than that. So, I got on the lathe with some copper and turned down a little heatsink with the same diameter as the host, making it an almost perfect copper extension to the host, fitting exactly over the top part of the Aixiz module.

I really enjoyed this build. It's a tiny little thing, which is why I called it Bite-Sized! While it does get hot quickly, it sure as hell packs a punch at about 375mW. It's been one of my carry lasers lately simply because I find a red beam cutting through the sky slightly more amazing than the beam of a 445nm laser, probably because this is newer to me.

Anyway, here are some pictures displaying the Bite-Sized Copperhead in all of its grainy-pixelated glory!





Sorry for the crappy pictures. :\

So what all comes with the laser?
- Laser
- Aixiz 635nm glass lens for best divergence
- IMR 10440 battery

Now, some important things that the buyer should know: there are a few minor (I mean really minor - less than 1mm) cosmetic scratches near the UltraFire logo. Further, while it is not evident from the eye, one can feel the minute difference between the diameter of the heatsink and the diameter of the stainless steel. Further, duty cycle is limited to 45 seconds on, 45 seconds off MAX. As you can see, it drops below 375mW at just about 45 seconds.

Price: $120 + shipping. PM me.

You MUST have goggles.
You MUST be 18 years old or older.
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Re: FS: "The Copperhead" 375mW 635nm Pocket Stainless Steel

Bump. Price dropped to $150 + shipping.
Re: FS: "The Copperhead" 375mW 635nm Pocket Stainless Steel

Price dropped to $140 + shipping :\ Don't really want to let this go for any less :(
Re: [PRICE DROP] FS: "The Copperhead" 375mW 635nm Pocket Stainless Steel

I may as well bump it :P
Re: [PRICE DROP] FS: "The Copperhead" 375mW 635nm Pocket Stainless Steel

good luck with your sell ;) now i cant buy it because iam starting a shop but if you dont sell it i will buy it ;)

I may as well bump it :P
Re: [PRICE DROP] FS: "The Copperhead" 375mW 635nm Pocket Stainless Steel

Thanks :D Well, hopefully it sells. Need the money for another 635 build that I want to add to my collection.
Re: [PRICE DROP] FS: "The Copperhead" 375mW 635nm Pocket Stainless Steel

Bump. Surprised this hasn't sold. It's going for very cheap, but I will drop it to $130 + shipping.
Re: [$130!] FS: "The Copperhead" 375mW 635nm Pocket Stainless Steel

Figured I would bump it a week later. This is silly =p
Re: [$130!] FS: "The Copperhead" 375mW 635nm Pocket Stainless Steel

It really is, this is a great laser and a great price! I love the small 10440 and CR2 hosts.

I'm surprised it hasn't sold. I would've bought it already but I am spending a lot on a big project :undecided:
Re: [$130!] FS: "The Copperhead" 375mW 635nm Pocket Stainless Steel

Yeah, me too. Really, parts wise this is probably about $100, and then there is the custom machine work and the assembly.
Re: [$130!] FS: "The Copperhead" 375mW 635nm Pocket Stainless Steel

Wish I had the money for it! I have 10440 lasers in 445nm and 532nm on my key chain, a 635nm would top it off nicely.
Re: [$130!] FS: "The Copperhead" 375mW 635nm Pocket Stainless Steel

Well, if you ever do get the money for it, looks like this one may be for sale for a while, so you can probably still grab it.
Re: [$120!] FS: "The Copperhead" 375mW 635nm Pocket Stainless Steel

Alright, so I am dropping this to $120. I finally built a 500mW Mitsubishi laser (outputting about 720mW) so I don't need this anymore... and I am surprised it won't even sell for $130. Ah well. I need the money -.-
Re: [$120!] FS: "The Copperhead" 375mW 635nm Pocket Stainless Steel

Can you calculate the shipping costs for Italy? :thanks:
Re: [$120!] FS: "The Copperhead" 375mW 635nm Pocket Stainless Steel

I also put together a build in that host, except mine is a 445nm, and it is one of my favorites. Tiny, tiny, tiny!

For anyone that likes the smaller builds, I believe this is the tiniest there is! Even smaller than my F-23.

I am surprised that it hasn't sold yet, especially at that price.
Re: [$120!] FS: "The Copperhead" 375mW 635nm Pocket Stainless Steel

Hey - to Italy, it should cost around $18... I think.

Also, thanks mark for the back up :D
