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FrozenGate by Avery

WTB: 2.2W 445NM (Assembled)

Mar 22, 2012
Where can I buy an already tested and assembled 2.2W 445NM Blue hand held Laser with extra batteries and some protective glasses. Should also include some kind of safety feature/low power mode.

I started looking at the S3 a few weeks ago and found this forum and realized its falls short for the price. I couldn't justify the extra $50 for the lens kit when I can buy a 445 2W Diode for that much.

I could build a kit but from reading this forum I got the idea that everything is so spread out you have to wait for deals. :thinking:

I plan on ordering one and I have a friend that will also want one. If someone has any better advice in the 2W+ range then I am all ears.
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It generally helps if you indicate your budget.

You should also be aware of the fact that 99.9% of the builds sold around here will not include a "safety feature / low power mode", nor will they be (at 2.2W) as inexpensive as the Arctic S3 you were comparing them to.
Hey. Do you have other lasers at home? What is your strongest one?

Based on your budget, you may look "just" for a high powered 445nm laser or one with a shine out design.

Lazeerer sells complete kits with goggles, you may check out his threads and contact him through PM if you like his builts. He may has one for sale or can make one for you.
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I read the stickies before I posted. :) That's what made me not want a Wicked. My budget all depends on the quality. I want something that has an average of 2.2w and that doesn't have a super small duty cycle and a good host. I can pay via Paypal and I am a verified Ebay seller since 2000. (No Gift via Paypal is a given.)
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It generally helps if you indicate your budget.

You should also be aware of the fact that 99.9% of the builds sold around here will not include a "safety feature / low power mode", nor will they be (at 2.2W) as inexpensive as the Arctic S3 you were comparing them to.
My budget is 'name a price'. I've already looked at a bunch of stuff so I have an idea what a reasonable price is. I thought I saw a couple builds with a safety/key/cap.

That is why I added that part but if not don't worry about it. It doesn't have to have a safety. I was really wanting a 4W but I don't have the space.

The Arctic S3 isn't inexpensive compared to how much the parts cost. $350 out the door not including batteries and shipping. I've seen cheaper deals looking at the threads on here.
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I read the stickies before I posted. :) That's what made me not want a Wicked. My budget all depends on the quality. I want something that has an average of 2.2w and that doesn't have a super small duty cycle and a good host.

Take a browse through the BST section then. Good quality builds occasionally emerge around the 2.2W mark. For that power, they are usually going to use G1 lenses, and seem to typically run between $300 and $450 depending on the host, builder, output power, etc.
Thanks for the heads up! I saw a few that I missed the other week when I was just lurking.
