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FrozenGate by Avery

Wtb: Xm-l led

Aug 30, 2008
Anyone have one laying around to sell me? I'm hoping to find a US source as i really don't want to wait for shipping from china.

What kind of driver would you use to power these?

I'm looking to retrofit an antique flashlight.
I would go with 3 of these stacked ontop of each other: 5-Mode 1000mA 7135 Circuit Board for Cree and SSC Emitters - Free Shipping - DealExtreme

Extremely stable with a very low V-drop (mV) and almost no heat at all produced.

The AMC7135 chips are being used to power the new 635 diodes off 1 li-ion.

EDIT: It will be much more cost effective to buy a 10 pack for a few dollars more: http://www.dealextreme.com/p/amc7135-1050ma-regulated-circuit-board-for-diy-flashlights-10-pack-1885

Also, the 10pack doesn't have the pesky modes.
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In series, or parallel?

Also the switch is simular to this...


Will the Mode options work with all 3 stacked?
TJ, before you order a driver take a look at another option. The Nanjg 105 $4.81 it has 8 x amc7135 chips for ~2.8A + built in modes & no soldering multiple boards together. Info on the driver here. Did you want modes?
I think I might have seen a better price or at least free shipping. I'll take a look through my bookmarks & update.
Personally I really like being able to remove the flashing modes & get L,M,H or H,M,L.
KD $4.79 free ship & looks like its a better version as well.
I've been looking over XML driver options since I'm plaining a XML maglite mod. I was thinking of trying a driver with mode groups. That would require piggy backing another board but I kinda like the extra work.
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Moh, I believe I have an emitter on a star you could have. There should also be wires on the star already.
That would be great. I can buy it from you. You we can trade if you want.

I plan to use my amc7135 boards stacked in parallel to power it.
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TJ, before you order a driver take a look at another option. The Nanjg 105 $4.81 it has 8 x amc7135 chips for ~2.8A + built in modes & no soldering multiple boards together. Info on the driver here. Did you want modes?
I think I might have seen a better price or at least free shipping. I'll take a look through my bookmarks & update.
Personally I really like being able to remove the flashing modes & get L,M,H or H,M,L.
KD $4.79 free ship & looks like its a better version as well.
I've been looking over XML driver options since I'm plaining a XML maglite mod. I was thinking of trying a driver with mode groups. That would require piggy backing another board but I kinda like the extra work.

Thank for the options. Modes would depend on battery life. I;m either going to use 2 D batteries, or 2 D size 3.7 Li Ion batteries. So voltages will be from 3v - 8.4v. I'd like to just use common D size batteries if possible. If I can get an average 3 night use (~6 hours) out of a high mode then single mode will be fine. If it sucks the batteries dry in an hour I need multi modes.
@TJ ... For some odd... i mean really odd reasons , i thought you were a pro at the flashlight part of this.. ;) no?
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Is that a joke? :thinking: I dont get it.

I'd be the first to tell you I'm an idiot when it comes to electronics. I've always loved the science, but never had time in my life to get educated about it. I've been trying to get into now, but my brain is fried and its having a hard time sticking no matter how much I read. Also I'm a hands on guy, and I dont have the room, or the equipment to get the hands on experience. So I'm left having to ask simple questions in order to absorb what I need for a project. I can do the work, but I get lost in the details.
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