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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

What's happened to LPF?


Mar 29, 2008

How about doing an experiment, Trevor?

Whenever you think that a NooB is getting the bum's rush (or if you see their post first), you post a quick message telling them not to worry about the gatekeepers and then answer their question.

It is easy to try to make others change by complaining. It is hard to change ourselves. Don't complain. Act.

It is hard to cover all of the questions yourself. It gets tiresome very quickly.

People here seen to think that everyone deserves to be here and deserves respect. That is a wonderful sounding sentiment. However, it is not the reality. People do not "deserve" respect. Respect is earned. JakeGT is a prime example of moving beyond his "entitled" attitude and earning some respect here.

You seem to be worried about NooB's being run off. Why? Not every forum is a good fit for every person. This forum is no different. Some will fit in. Some won't fit in. Some will fit in for awhile. Some will leave after awhile.

We have >18,000 members. >5,000 unique visits every 12 hour period. In the last 24 hours, I have gone through 25 new members. That is 175 new members a week and 700 new members a month. How many NooB's have been "run off" this week? This month?

You seem to be focusing on the one or two new members a month that have problems and ignoring the 698 new members that join the forum with no issues .003 members have problems in fitting in. You are focusing on the .003 and asking the entire forum to change to allow that .003 to succeed.

How about focusing on the .997?

How about acting in accord with your feelings (and helping the .003) instead of asking others to change to accommodate your feelings?

To change the forum to help the 1 or 2, while taking the chance to alter a successful model is NOT worth it. Give up the .003 to maintain the health of the forum.

LPF has NOT gotten "meaner." The number of NooB's has just increased. With the increase in the number of new applications comes an increase in the number of those that will not fit into the culture.

If you feel bad for them, help them. They are your feelings. Take responsibility for them. Do not ask others to feel the same way. My personal belief is that after a very short time, you will fatigue as well. I actually believe that this thread is a reaction to you beginning to fatigue already. You are getting tired and want help keeping up with the problematic Noob's inquiries.

A VERY wealthy man once told me this with regard to sales:

Some will. Some won't. So what?

To attempt to achieve a 100% success rate is the basis for madness

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Jun 5, 2011
There were a couple of times when replys to me were... "short/gruff". Not QUITE "you are retarded!", but "almost close".

I figured that you all are a bunch of cranky nerds. But I think I have a little of that, laughed it off, adapted. Figured certain (unamed) people out after a while, and appreciated them for their... "uniqueness".
Jan 14, 2011
I'm a NOOB, I'm a stupid NOOB. I've gotten bashed fo stupid statements and maybe stupid questions, but I stayed because I wanted to learn. and, I'm STILL gonna ask stupid questions.

It would be nice if a NOOB didn't get bashed for being stupid, or not knowing how to use the search function (which sucks, unless you have two or three weeks to muddle through what you are doing wrong), or screwing up and making multiple post on the same topic, in different threads (first time through, if they cann't follow the rules after being told, then bash away), or whatever. It would be nice and you may keep a few more around.

I submit to you that a NOOB who is asking dumb questions, just may, in fact, be doing thier homework. That's what research is, asking questions. But it is YOUR (vet's) forum. Handle it how you want. Those who are really interested will learn to do more research, hopefully learn from thier mistakes, AND learn to ignore responses from those who critisize and/or bash (telling the noob that it is a stupid question), without offering any usefull info or advice (kinda makes them look like they are trying to look experienced without really having to prove it).

You haven't gotten rid of me yet. I'll keep asking stupid questions until I learn the answers and I'll keep trying to help others with any usefull info I have, when I can, if I can...

Like I said, those who are really interrested (serious) will stick around, those who aren't will not.

My 2 cents, no refunds or exchanges.


Mar 29, 2008
I'm a NOOB, I'm a stupid NOOB. I've gotten bashed fo stupid statements and maybe stupid questions, but I stayed because I wanted to learn. and, I'm STILL gonna ask stupid questions.

It would be nice if a NOOB didn't get bashed for being stupid, or not knowing how to use the search function (which sucks, unless you have two or three weeks to muddle through what you are doing wrong), or screwing up and making multiple post on the same topic, in different threads (first time through, if they cann't follow the rules after being told, then bash away), or whatever. It would be nice and you may keep a few more around.

I submit to you that a NOOB who is asking dumb questions, just may, in fact, be doing thier homework. That's what research is, asking questions. But it is YOUR (vet's) forum. Handle it how you want. Those who are really interested will learn to do more research, hopefully learn from thier mistakes, AND learn to ignore responses from those who critisize and/or bash (telling the noob that it is a stupid question), without offering any usefull info or advice (kinda makes them look like they are trying to look experienced without really having to prove it).

You haven't gotten rid of me yet. I'll keep asking stupid questions until I learn the answers and I'll keep trying to help others with any usefull info I have, when I can, if I can...

Like I said, those who are really interrested (serious) will stick around, those who aren't will not.

My 2 cents, no refunds or exchanges.

It's called a "learning curve." Learning is NOT easy. Not everyone is up to the challenge. Some fail. You appear to be up to the challenge.



Jul 17, 2009
Well... in short, I try to do that, and did that a few days ago. That is, I dropped a member a PM who I believe was being hideously mistreated because someone had arbitrarily lumped him into the 'entitlement' group - in which he most certainly did not belong.

I'm not bothered by people who do not fit eventually fleeing or being shown the door.

People don't have to go out of their way to be nice. But if they're not willing to do that for a new member, ignoring the thread would be a much higher road than going out of their way to be obnoxious.

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Oct 6, 2009
I'm a NOOB, I'm a stupid NOOB. I've gotten bashed fo stupid statements and maybe stupid questions, but I stayed because I wanted to learn. and, I'm STILL gonna ask
My 2 cents, no refunds or exchanges.

you dont seem to be a stupid noob, just a normal noob learning his things.:beer: and so am i!

And you certainly dont seem to be asking the same thing in a couple of threads even after you got a answer and/or have been warned:)

What i ment by stupid noob questions is asking stuff like " what battery does a arctic use" or " how do i make a laser " or " how do i recharge my 18650 battery" answers to questions like that can be found almost everywhere and have also been answered here a few times and still more stupid noobs keep asking stuff like that.
They just dont seem to be using any of their braincells and just ask everything before even taking a moment to think about it.

Thats just my opinion / the way i see it
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Jan 2, 2009
You haven't gotten rid of me yet. I'll keep asking stupid questions until I learn the answers and I'll keep trying to help others with any usefull info I have, when I can, if I can...

And thats where you will prevail. Obviously you want to learn, and will stick with it to do so.

Thats the difference.


Mar 29, 2008
Well... in short, I try to do that, and did that a few days ago. That is, I dropped a member a PM who I believe was being hideously mistreated because someone had arbitrarily lumped him into the 'entitlement' group - in which he most certainly did not belong.

I'm not bothered by people who do not fit eventually fleeing or being shown the door.

Dave, I believe you probably saw a post report from me this weekend. That's the kind of thing that I'm talking about, but cannot link to.

People don't have to go out of their way to be nice. But if they're not willing to do that for a new member, ignoring the thread would be a much higher road than going out of their way to be obnoxious.


You missed the point of my brick. You are focusing on a .003% EXTREME MINORITY and trying to get the entire forum to change to help that minority

You have the right to feel exactly the way that you do. You have the right to act in accordance to your feelings.

You do NOT have the right to tell others that they should feel like you do.

In short, you are focused on a "tempest in a teapot." My advice is to focus on the ocean. It will be healthier for both you and the forum

Mar 27, 2011
Pretty much everything has already been covered already, but I do want to add one minor point.

I think the greatest difference comes from the attitude of the person asking the questions, and the follow up questions.

I notice a sort of attitude of "entitlement" that is to me very unpleasant. It is especially prevalent in clearly younger members. (I just noticed this has been covered already.)

I have noticed some members get beaten with the "Use the Search" engine stick, but sometimes there is just no other way, if the person is to lazy to even read the thread they are posting in.

Conversely there is also quite a bit of arrogance on here. Certainly plenty of people here should be proud of what they have done, but arrogance and pride are not the same thing.

The only thing that I can suggest, is to apply a very simple old rule. Treat as you would want to be treated.

I also very much like the idea of a basic read me / quiz approach for people to join.
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Mar 23, 2011

Hopefully that PM response wasn't to any if the threads I've participated in.

If it ever is, I'm always open to someone messaging me when you think I'm out of line. I'll either agree with you or I won't. :D

I also very much like the idea of a basic read me / quiz approach for people to join.
Thats helped so much with Wicked Lasers. :p
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Dec 23, 2008

How about doing an experiment, Trevor?

Whenever you think that a NooB is getting the bum's rush (or if you see their post first), you post a quick message telling them not to worry about the gatekeepers and then answer their question.

i actually did just that with bloompyle. i even sent him a free diode and parts to make his first laser. we all know how he turned out lol

Dec 23, 2008
Pretty much everything has already been covered already, but I do want to add one minor point.

I think the greatest difference comes from the attitude of the person asking the questions, and the follow up questions.

I notice a sort of attitude of "entitlement" that is to me very unpleasant. It is especially prevalent in clearly younger members. (I just noticed this has been covered already.)

I have noticed some members get beaten with the "Use the Search" engine stick, but sometimes there is just no other way, if the person is to lazy to even read the thread they are posting in.

Conversely there is also quite a bit of arrogance on here. Certainly plenty of people here should be proud of what they have done, but arrogance and pride are not the same thing.

The only thing that I can suggest, is to apply a very simple old rule. Treat as you would want to be treated.

I also very much like the idea of a basic read me / quiz approach for people to join.

you've been here for 3 months and you always have something to say about how lpf is run.

Jan 2, 2009
i actually did just that with bloompyle. i even sent him a free diode and parts to make his first laser. we all know how he turned out lol


I miss Bloomie, he was a great target. :crackup:

you've been here for 3 months and you always have something to say about how lpf is run.


Yeah I have to agree with that too. You act like you've been here for years, and you havnt.
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Ears and Eggs

Staff member
LPF Site Supporter
Oct 1, 2007
An idea I always had was to replace the captcha on the registration screen with a very simple laser quiz. Passing the quiz would be mandatory before you are allowed to post. I would include very simple questions so as not to stump people, but just to get them to sniff around a bit before rushing to ask questions. Questions like "Can a cheap dollar store laser pointer be modded into a burning laser?", and "At what power are goggles needed?", etc. This would weed out the real idiots who don't care at all about learning and let the rest educate themselves to the basics before posting. It would also stop spam as no one will bother learning about lasers to just post about cheap iPhones. :p
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Jul 17, 2009
I felt that this should be brought up, and I felt that the questions with which I closed my post needed to be asked.

Even if someone perceives that I am telling them how to feel, they are on the internet and are perfectly equipped to decide how they should or should not feel. My musings are nothing but the squealing of a hairless ape, Dave. ;)

So, moral of the story: I THINK a few particularly bad new members have given a bad name to new members in general, which I BELIEVE has led to poorer treatment of new people. Just wanted to plant that idea in the forum's collective subconscious, to be accepted or dismissed according to the feelings of the evaluator.

