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Stun Laser

Apr 30, 2009
Swat and military use special lasers to stun their opponent in the eyes using a special laser that shoots a much larger beam. It only causes short term blindness (5 to 10 minutes). My question is were can these type of lasers be purchased. I do a lot of flying and stay in big city hotels. Taking a firarm for protection is simply not an option however carrying this type of laser in your stow under luggage could afford you the protection in you hotel at night. A friend was robbed in his hotel room in the middle of the night at gun point and I would like to avoid this type of scenario. :(

Check ebay, or some self defense website. This is not a firearms forum.

If you a have a real interest in lasers then welcome to the forum. Not to be rude but this forum isn't for hurting people and is meant for hobbyists.

Little known secret you can have a gun checked in at the airport, if that's important to you.
Get a cheap green laser pointer and remove the lens.  It puts out a really wide beam.

You do know that if you're being robbed by an assailant, by a gun no less, you're far more likely to get shot if you pull stunts with something like that.
Hey guys,

Do you have any arsenic powder? Because I think that if someone is robbing me, I should throw it in their face and they will get dead.

I seriously doubt that operating a laser capable of what you desribe in public would be legal - which would make it probably difficult to obtain even if it were on the market somewhere.

Given the cost of anything like this, you'd probably be better off getting a taser - less risk of serious injury too.
Buy CS Gas / Pepperspray and attach and lockable storm lighter to it. so if your robber is not scared by the spray alone, you can shoot some fire blasts in his direction, lately then he should run ;)
Lasers are just NOT the correct way to do this. I'm reminded of a cornered badger. IF YOU BLIND YOUR ASSAILANT, THEY CANNOT FLEE. which means they have no resource but to lash out at you the source of said blinding.
That too... and using a light source with fixed output will never be reliable. Remember that the pupil surface can be up to 50 times larger at night. Any light source that would cause temporary blinding at nigth would be completely ineffective in daytime - and anything that even hurts the eye in daytime will likely permanently blind someone when used in the dark.

Also, there is no point using lasers really. Any high performance flashlight would just be as (in)effective, and dangerous at close range as well. There is much emphasis on the dangers of lasers, but shooting someone in the eye with a 50 watt halogen light at point blank range isn't considered eye safe either ;)
The military has the option of shooting or blinding their opponent. There were trials of permanently blinding weapons, and it was determined that they would prefer to shoot the opponent.
In the end, if you're going to get any self-defense tool, you should get a real gun. I've always wondered what percentage of tazer shots end up missing the target. You only get to fire once with a tazer.
As said before this isn't a self defence forum and as already described lasers would be in no way the thing you are looking for as you will probabally end up getting shot.

But, I may have what your looking for... Now I really hate to reccomend this company as often there lasers are underspec and they charge ALOT for there lasers but I guess if you reall want a laser that causes tempory blidness then this laser is designed to do that.

It's called the photonic disrupter or something and it's made by wickedlasers, please note that I really don't reccomend this company for the above reasons but it's up to you how you spend your money.


There you go :P
As said before this isn't a self defence forum and as already described lasers would be in no way the thing you are looking for as you will probabally end up getting shot.

But, I may have what your looking for... Now I really hate to reccomend this company as often there lasers are underspec and they charge ALOT for there lasers but I guess if you reall want a laser that causes tempory blidness then this laser is designed to do that.

It's called the photonic disrupter or something and it's made by wickedlasers, please note that I really don't reccomend this company for the above reasons but it's up to you how you spend your money.


There you go :P

Seriously, I can't understand why you would give such advice? It's not "designed" to temporarily blind, it's just a 100mW focusable green dpss laser just like anyother 100mW focusable green dpss laser appart from the fact that maybe it's somewhat shockproof so you can mount it on your gun. Buying the wickedlasers' photonic disruptor to use it as a self defense weapon is retarded in 2 ways: ineffectiveness AND waste of money.

Real gun FTW! Any POS that's man enough to pull a gun on someone to rob them should be prepared for death.And if you expect being held at gun point you should at least have equal firepower to have any good chance of fighting back.
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Switch i gave advice on what he asked for, he asked for a laser that woul cause temporory blindness and if you took the time to watch the video then that is what it is "designed" to do... Whether it's just a focasable laser or not it says that it is used to cause tempory blindness which is what the guy asked for.

I'm just trying to answer his question, and if you want the truth there is a big difference between blinding someone and shooting them. You should re think your morals.
Buying the wickedlasers' photonic disruptor to use it as a self defense weapon is retarded in 2 ways: ineffectiveness AND waste of money.

And 3rd: its plain dangerous. Shooting someone in the eye with a 100 mW laser might not be lethal, but does carry a significant risk of doing permanent injury. Personally i'd rather be shot in the leg than permanently blinded in at least one eye.

For the $600, i would suggest getting a beefy RPL: You'll have a very nice laser, and you can whack someone on the head with it if need be ;p
Switch i gave advice on what he asked for, he asked for a laser that woul cause temporory blindness and if you took the time to watch the video then that is what it is "designed" to do... Whether it's just a focasable laser or not it says that it is used to cause tempory blindness which is what the guy asked for.

I'm just trying to answer his question, and if you want the truth there is a big difference between blinding someone and shooting them. You should re think your morals.

Well I saw the video if you mean the Future Weapons entry.But that's plain BS.Wickedlasers is selling a huge heap of BS and this is just part of it.Their strong point is advertisement and flashy looks.And that video is just advertisement. I wouldn't be at all surprised if we found out that they paid Future Weapons for that entry.Furthermore, you'd have to be out of your mind to believe all that against the better judgement of the members of this forum.

And they may say it's specially designed to temporarily blind, but it's just like any other laser. I can make a frying pan and say it's specially designed to temporarily stun enemies by hitting them over the head, then pay 50.000 dollars to get it featured on future weapons on the 1st of april , then sell it on my website with 2000 dollars and show the video as it were serious.But you HAVE to be able to tell that it's complete BS, just like the photonic disruptor(but a bit exagerated).Now , I know that some people do actually believe what they say because they're uneducated regarding lasers, but come on....not on LPF!

And about my morals, I stabbed a guy for pushing my sister because it was none of his buisness.And if someone has the nerve to threaten my life I'd have no problem sleeping after shooting him between the eyes.I dunno, I see no moral problem in that, I have the right to walk on the street at night.Of course I'd probably give him the money rather than risking anything.
