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FrozenGate by Avery

your thoughts on my project:

Oct 27, 2012
Hi guys...first want to thank everyone who helped me with my first build(~1W 445) by answering my questions and putting up with my nonsense :thanks:

Now i pray your indulgence for a second time...I have an idea emerging from several thoughts swirling in my head and i want to bring it to the forum and get your thoughts on it.

My last build was a DTR M140 w/copper module and atma boost. Coupled to a battery box w/3 NiMh AA's. Using velcro straps i rigged it so that the diode module was on my ring finger, and the battery box was on my wrist with a microswitch in series(i know, i know :rolleyes: ) just as a proof of concept. So it is very cool to have and surprisingly comfortable but it has some gaping flaws in the design.

I love having the beam coming from my finger and i do want to roll with that idea but cooling it properly is a major problem along with deciding on a way to switch it without having to put a dinky little microswitch in series.

The current idea(s) im toying with are: building an enclosure that is mounted on my wrist/forearm that contains the batteries and two M140's combined with a tiny pbs. Should i focus to infinity before the pbs or put some kind of BE after the cube?

For cooling, i love the idea of peltiers but i understand they can draw quite a bit of current. Should i use a separate power source or would it be fine to share with the diodes? Rolling with the peltier idea i know i can get the TEC, heatsink and fan in very small sizes to keep it all as compact as possible...would that be the best way to cool the diode/drivers while keeping it all compact or should i use a massive mode like heatsink/fan?

I have been doing a little bit of research into fibre coupling and i love the idea(except for the losses) of coupling the post-pbs beam through a fiber that i run to an assembly on my finger where the beam is expanded and collimated.

Im not sure how clear all that was. I will post pics of my current set-up and maybe some concept drawings hopefully tomorrow. I am a member at a local hackerspace that has 3d printing, eagle/CAD, reflow/soldering/pcb manufacturing stuff, and my girlfriend can program CNC So i can do this properly once i have worked out the kinks. :D

Thanks in advance!

p.s.: i DO have safety goggles ;)
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Here's a few pictures of the concept I have so far.




I know that the switch isn't connected. Please don't judge my soldering(I'm a little insecure! :( )
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Yeah, that project makes me concerned about a lack of safety and the potential for accidents.
I understand, and believe me i do not take this thing lightly. I have several sets of goggles and have never even turned it on without wearing them. I also, always make sure there is no possibility of another person accidentally seeing it without proper protection. For outdoors, i have a black beam dump i made of wood in the fenced part of my yard. I mostly worked on it inside by myself because my father is a pilot and has warned me how serious the FAA are about "unscheduled laser events".

Lasers are inherently dangerous because a mistake is all it takes to seriously injure yourself. Ill admit, this concept looks like an accident waiting to happen but i already have the hard on/off switch, a little rubber lense cover(not pictured) that would give me a second or two of warning as well as the actually trigger switch. I am planning on making a proper mechanical beam blocker, an "armed" light, and a keylock.

This laser will never be "safe" but i am trying.
