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FrozenGate by Avery

WTB Sideclicky Host Kit

Oct 5, 2009
I've been really interested in purchasing a host with a side clicky for a 2W 445nm build. I would like it to take 2x16340s for my mohgasm driver. I really wanted the sipik kit: http://laserpointerforums.com/f52/1-4w-qumefox-sipik-hk21-18650-host-62363.html but I don't think Qumefox is selling them anymore :( I was going to go with the guidesman as a last choice because the design isn't too amazing but it looks alright lol it's just that I cant find anyone selling a grey or black kit. All I've found is a red kit on cajunlasers which looks sorta tacky. If anyone could recommend me a good sideclicky host kit available, or a guidesman kit preferably black, that would be great!
