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FrozenGate by Avery

WTB: low powered 635 nm pointer

Mar 21, 2011
I'm looking for a low powered 635 nm unit. I have seen the atlas nova pointers that are about $30.00 on their website as well as amazon and ebay. I was hoping maybe someone had a used pointer that I could pick up off of them, as I just don't wanna pay $30 for 5 mw. Thanks, - Matt.

635 is expensive. Even a member built 5mW 635 would probably be $30 I'n parts alone
Driver, batteries, host, diode, lens. That'd definitely be around $30
The Atlasnova is worth the $30. Nicely built for the money. It really doesn't look all that different from a 650, but it's a nice colour.
I have a used Z-Bolt 5mW that I could sell for $20 shipped. PM me if you are interested :)

I've had one of that model 635 and they are great quality. :D Seems that Z-Bolt no longer sells them though. Only place I've been able to find that model now is Amazing1 (about 2/3 down the page). Although they are slightly more pricy than what Z-Bolt was charging.
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@ Jimmy: PM sent! :D, and thanks for the input 2007, I found some online images of it, looks sturdy to me
