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WTB: Laser in U.K

Jul 13, 2011
i want to buy a good laser in the england, U.K
got to be either green/blue go very far at night,
if anyone has say a spyder laser or another good one let me know
will pay p&p to manchester, only want to buy off someone in the u.k because i dont think it would get past the ukcustoms -.-:wtf:

Have you looked at the lasers from the odicforce.com website? I have bought several times from them and I can recommend this shop. They are in the UK and Jon is very responsive and always helpful.
I wanted something like a dragon laser or wicked laser but off someone in england due to customs but il have a look on that site
If you want a blue 1W+ laser, why not build one yourself? You can get most of the parts from forum members or odicforce. It can be done and it is not difficult at all. There is so much info on this forum, just keep reading ;-)
If you want to buy one then drop me a PM. I can either build you one from a kit available here on LPF or, as it happens, I have one I built myself for £190.

DwayneD will this be your first laser? As a safety enthusiast, I advise you buy a 5 or 10mw green as your first laser. Not too long ago we had somebody trading their 1w blue laser looking for a 80mw because 1w is a LOT of power. 10mw of 532 (green) on the other hand, while still being dangerous is not as dangerous as 1w of 445 (blue). The beam on a 10mw 532 laser will be easily visible at night and is still bright. If this is going to be your first laser, I heavily suggest a 5 or 10mw green laser. They're also relatively cheap, $20 for pretty good quality.

EDIT: Also, "go very far at night", how do you mean? It's a common misconception that stronger beams will go further, but my 1.5w blue laser beam goes as far as my 5mw green lasers beam.
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@dwayned i bought my 1.2W blue laser from yobresal on here an it arrived in the UK from the US in 3 working days as paid extra for speedy delivery... no problems with customs at all!!! :p
All I will say is that the laser will not get seized by customs as long as it is marked along the lines "torch/flashlight" on the customs declaration label and marked as a "gift" with low value, all should be fine. I'm based in London and have ordered many lasers from aboard, including the US and have encountered no problems whatsoever.

Be warned though this is not a guarantee, customs may seize it if they suspect an illegal item is in the package or gets lost/delayed, but this is very rare.

You're best bet is to buy a laser built from DIY on this forum, it will be much cheaper. ;)
I will post it once again...

If you want to buy specifically from within the UK then drop me a PM. I've built a fair few for folks in the UK. I've used Jayrob's kits, (very good), Odicforce kits, (good starter kits), Skyray hosts with custom internals with one of the first dual driver builds - http://laserpointerforums.com/f65/dual-microboost-driven-skyray-build-1-8a-55628.html - and built from scratch on my lathe - http://laserpointerforums.com/f38/scratch-built-8x-bluray-52887.html

If you're just after a little advice then that's fine too.


P.S. The goggles thing is mighty important when you're looking for high power!
