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FrozenGate by Avery

WTB Lab heatsink, variable power supply

Dec 29, 2011
Holy hats, these things are fun..

Bought a 1.8W from Yobresal, and got some more parts and things to build a 445..

I have a A140 mounted in an aixix module that I'd like to find a lab heatsink for continuous duty, and a small variable power supply..

I know theres lab variable PSs and that would be fine, but its way overkill for what these little laser modules need.

Does anyone sell a variable driver thats not too terribly expensive?

Heres whats going on..

I plan on building an X-Y CNC cutter / burner with a 445 laser as the tool. I found a program I can easily modify, and dump into one of my Arduinos to take G-code, and drive stepper drivers, I just need to get the parts, and start building.

I can get hands on everything else, but the heatsink, and some kind of variable driver. Something that (current control) gives me a 100mA to 1,500mA or so?

Maybe even higher, for if I ever upgrade to a higher wattage LD..

I would throw it in a project box with a mA meter, and safety interlock and such..

I've been reading around a *Lot* and theres an incredible wealth of info here, I'm just having a devil of a time finding the aforementioned items.

Thanks for such a great site, and FRIKIN' LASERS!! :)

Yeah, theres a few of those lab style Power supplies..

Its bigger than I would like, but That one in particular for $55 isnt bad. (Hey, free shipping too..)

I guess I could go that route. :)
TBH start with good and versitle tools. there are small dedicated drivers too but when i find my self first start out a project something like that is a must have.
if you want a super dirty and cheap psu for the laser make a adjustable current LM317 with a large pot / rheostat that can be turned by hand.
you say you want to run a 445nm laser constant, thats not a problem but depending on your power you may want more than a fan.
There are no easy adjustable drivers most have tinny trimmer pots.
Sounds like you want a modulated driver to turn the laser on and off for your cnc.
You can add a part to a lm317 to make it TTL for that.
Here are some other choices as well. Yeah, if you're going to to be doing experimenting, get something decent. Portability and cheapness (as in cutting corners) aren't really going to do you much good in the long run for experimenting.

I like having two power sources in one PSU (I bought this one) so that I can use one for the main power, and the other for current control by controlling the input to a current-limiting transistor configuration like this. It gives me fine control, and the PSU also shows me how much current is being sourced; so I don't need to use a multimeter.
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I went ahead and got the first one posted, the 0-15V, 0-3A one..

I'm sure I can always find another use for it later if needs be :)

Now, to find a good heatsink, to allow continuous duty.. :)
Yup, you could get more than one smaller one for the same price. The big one does have some advantages: 3 outputs, good ripple rejection (those small ones say 200mV max ripple), terminal outputs, and I don't have to mess with so many devices (though having them portable and separate can be a benefit too). If you pass the output of your PSU through a linear regulator it should clear up most of the ripple, but that's another stage to deal with.

mendnwngs: Would this heatsink do?
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I dunno.. :thinking:

I'm good with the electronics and even pretty comfortable with the mechanics (I even have a small benchtop 3-axis mill that I use from time to time..

What I'm still lost in, is which LDs are what Dia, and what focusing elements will work in what...

Thats why I kinda figured, if I got a heatsink for a LD mounted in an Aixiz module, that would be a good place to start, as I know those dimensions.

Might have to go pick my friends brain this weekend.. He has a lot of laser stuff, and loose LDs and such.. I'm sure I could learn a lot more from him face-to-face in an hour than I could by bugging you guys all week (Text is so painfully slow, LOL)

I'll come back and search out what I need, once I learn a bit more.

Thank you all for the suggestions.. :gh:

Theres just so much fun stuff, so much to learn.. LOL..
Well, most of those laser diodes are in the same can packaging as the others, so you can usually assume that. For the module itself, I actually prefer to use the larger modules, not the aixiz modules, as I inevitably need to mount the Aixiz in something else. You could always just make your own heatsink, but I would try to make it fit the height of the heatsink I linked above as it is a "standard" height for laser projector lasers and stuff.
i know i am just throwing a bit more confusion but could he get something like a 3w or 5w ir pump for cnc laser burning / cutting?
a 445nm could be driven for short runs with a good heatsink at 2A
I was looking into IR, as it seems like a good choice for higher power / capability per $, but I really think for now, I'd like to stay within the visible wavelengths.. For no other reason than I'm kinda Noob to this (Well, High power, anyway) and I'd rather stay working with lasers that I can *see*, as it will help prevent me from doing something stupid with lasers I cant see, and damaging my eyes.

I plan on putting a smoked / yellow (multi-layered, if needed) plexi box around the beam, extending almost to the surface its etching / cutting to keep the backscatter / reflections down enough to be able to look at it without safety goggles.

I'll kinda be designing this as I go, as its one of those "seat of the pants" projects.

After seeing just how off-the-hook bright this 1.8W 445 is, protecting the vision of anyone around the CNC cutter / etcher is my top priority..

If I were to go with IR, it would be difficult, i'd imagine to genuinely gauge how effective the glare reduction shielding would actually be.. (until your corneas peel off, that is. *shudder* )

Besides, if I have good enough cooling, shouldnt I be able to get quite a few hours out of a 445 diode, at say 1.5A? I really only need 1200-1500mw at this point, I'm thinking.

