As the title says, looking to buy green 100mw or more. Can be 473nm 532nm or anything! Just offer post up or pm!
Not looking for blue anymore, 1w is way to dangerous for what ill be doing with the laser and would be stupid of me to buy it.
Im looking to spend up to $70.
Money is in paypal ready to go, but i will need to see pic of item with your forum name and date next to item before i buy it. Thanks
Im in USA And would like shipper to be in the USA also for quick shipping.
Not looking for blue anymore, 1w is way to dangerous for what ill be doing with the laser and would be stupid of me to buy it.
Im looking to spend up to $70.
Money is in paypal ready to go, but i will need to see pic of item with your forum name and date next to item before i buy it. Thanks

Im in USA And would like shipper to be in the USA also for quick shipping.
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