It's not cheap because it's not the same host, it just looks the same.
I have two, they are much heavier due to the thicker metal.
The threading is smooth and also thicker. Noticeably better quality.
I haven't measured the divergence but it's the thinnest beam I've ever seen.
Once again (just to be clear), Optotronics does not use the same host as the cheap eBay host, it just looks similar.
Ah, I see. Still not a fan of the look though, but I'm much more interested now.
I ended up getting this, the beam comes out crooked, is about 1mm diameter at the aperture and it is underspec at 122mW (18mW of which is IR) but has GREAT divergence, in comparison my LP532 150mW from laserbtb is 156mW (0mW of IR) with a 1.5mm beam diameter at the aperture and TERRIBLE divergence. I was thinking of getting the laser from optotronics because o-like did not accept paypal but I emailed them and they let me pay via paypal, I purchased DHL shipping and it got here in 4 days. I am currently very low on money so I cannot get the optotronics laser to see if it's good or not, but maybe I will at some point. :thanks:
Good choice going with O-Like. Great prices and usually pretty good quality. Post some beamshots of it