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FrozenGate by Avery

WTB: 10X Beam Expander for Optotronics RPL

Oct 15, 2007
Hello guys,

I have already ordered an RPL 450 and I am now looking for a new or used (good condition) beam expander that will work perfectly well with this laser. So if you have used yours with the same laser, then all the better!

Jack has run out of melles griot beam expanders, and I cant find any reasonably priced ones on ebay, so I thought why not ask here.

I am a very serious buyer and willing to pay fairly for your product.


sorry, this has nothing to do with your question. But what is better Jetlasers PL-C pro or Optotronics RPL
sorry, this has nothing to do with your question. But what is better Jetlasers PL-C pro or Optotronics RPL

I sold my PL-C a long time ago because it did not perform exactly like I wanted it to. I have not received my RPL yet, but it has to be much better quality and perform much better than the jetlasers. Don't forget it costs around 1300 $ too...
Come on guys, If you have none for sale, then at least let me know where i can purchase one online
Try Edmund Optics. Or you could always try building your own.

I remember seeing a thread on here about it.

I already sent you a link to one, that is going to be the cheapest you are going to find.
To connect a beam expander to an RPL, you MUST have a c-mount adapter...


The adapter isn't the issue, it's available...........he wants a *very* cheap BE.
I already sent you a link to one, that is going to be the cheapest you are going to find.

That beam expander has a smaller maximum input beam diameter than the RPL's beam diameter, so that would mean loosing around 50% of the power.
Those are the ones we are all using..........it will cost you thousands of dollars then, good luck in your quest.
Sorry, Yes <$1000.00 BE are cheap.....because a good quality BE is expensive, and the link I sent you was only for $245.00
