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May 23, 2007
ok i have a post almost exactly like the one on cpf... :'( only i wasn't cleaning it i was being retarded.. sence when i look at my lasers dot it doesnt hurt at all i didnt bother to wear my saftey glasses much, i wondered why i got them. my laser has shined in my eyes a few times accidently, off the tv and stuff and it didnt even both me, i didnt even see anything differently.. but now there is this dot whereever i look, on my left eye.. im so frickin pissed at myself... i just hope it gets better. it looks like ill be using my safety goggles from now on l0l :-[

Awe, SHIT ! That sucks man - everyone should learn from this, and be VERY careful ! :( I am sorry your eyes got hurt...I hope it is temporary.
yea i hope it will.. its getting bigger kinda.. and wow u speed ur guys animation way up its like hes on speed lol
Hello Jesse,
I am sorry to hear about your eye. The smart thing to do is go see an eye doctor. While it is probably your laser that caused the spot, it doesn't necessarily mean it did. Have you been wearing your goggles when you light matches?
ok i consider myself lucky because now the dot is almost 100% gone =] i guess sleep helped.. but last night i was really freakin out cus the dot was getting bigger and it was hard to see.
its an 85mw but im gonna wear my goggles almost always when i shine off of anything reflective.. or up close burning
I always wear my goggles when doing anything close up. Glad the hear the dot is almost gone. I think you got lucky this time :)
Consider yourself another laser survivor. I have heard of side-effects lasting up to several months however, so let's hope for a quick recovery now!
FYI, it's not actually healing. Your brain's compensating for the lack of info from the photocell with information from the other eye. :(
Scary... :o Safety first. ;D Hmmmm...any cool looking safety goggles out there? The ones I see look like they're props from a cheap sci-fi movie... :P
Check out optotronics, NOVA, and Wicked Lasers for inexpensive, but GOOD eyewear. Keep in mind that the "sport elite" goggles from wocked, although snazzy looking will not allow you to see ANY RED AT ALL ! (referring to the red blocking goggles, of course ! LOL) And that is bad, since you cannot see the beam, the dot, nada ! The lasershades on the other hand are excellent goggles - they do look a tad "cheap" but trust me, they do the job well.

G !
I got my x105 a few days ago and have been using it non-stop. I don't have goggles yet, but I will definitely be laying off on the usage until I get some. I have read the warnings, but reading about an actual encounter might have driven this point home.

mate you can keep using your laser, just do it outside or in a room with no reflective surfaces that will shoot the beam back at you! oh, and don't do any close-up work either ;)
Hey man, first post. Same exact thing happened to me. Just be glad you didnt damage your one good eye. I posted a thread on CPF called damaged eyes? Check it out, there is alot of explainations, opinions, and advice stated there.
