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FrozenGate by Avery

Would you like to review for Banggood?

Heads up.
Swi got back in contact and understandably will allow <$50 for your first review for Bang good. Choose any laser you want to review for under that budget. If you do well on your review then they may consider more expensive items to review. :beer:
Bigger company like that and a unit less than $50 for a review on LPF which is i'm assuming the biggest forum??
Doe's this sound right? The worst review a $50 laser can get is "Its OK for the money"
This sounds like they aren't to sure or are well aware of their higher priced lasers don't meet expectations:whistle:
This isn't even enough for a 1W blue ebay Gattling gun style:thinking:
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Maybe give them a chance to check US out...;)

Remember that thay don't ONLY sell Lasers and
are trying to increase their Laser sales with some
reviews from here.
Perhaps they will up the amounts if they see
the Reviews as profitable.

At under $13 even if it's only 100mW it's still
a good deal and free is even better. ;)

Very true. :p
Even 100mW in that pointer would be impressive. And not having to go out and buy AAA's to run it is also a benefit.
I'm going to PM Swi this as my option. :)
Why not..go for it:) A while back I had seen review's that the built in battery pens didn't last. This isn't the first iv'e seen them but they just might have gotten better.
Curtis for $11 each, do they have them in a 650nm and 405nm? Plenty off room for all 3 to be reviewed under the $50.
They do a 650 but not a 405nm by the looks of it. I was thinking that, but Bang good will probably only allow one at a time. I haven't got a 405nm pointer, only a lab so was kind of hoping they did.
Anyway, I PM'ed Swi to let him know I want to review the 532. :)
Good luck, Curtis. I hope you get it, though I'd be surprised if it does 100 mW of optical power with a small built in Li-ion battery and little if any heat sinking. You never know, though.
Thanks Paul. :) You're probably right. I've had 35mW+ from a cheap eBay pen so it may reach 50mW. Even so that would be a nice beam from a compact laser. Well we'll hopefully soon see. :beer:
Swi said that if the review went well for them then they would allow more expensive items to be reviewed.

I'm thinking of reviewing this.


What do you guys think?

Looks cool, however it uses integrated batt (is it possible to change it?), also USB mini and not micro, which is more common. The power of 200 mW also seems too much to be true. Since it is designed for pointing purposes - power and IR should be discussed.

As I'm very sceptical about this, Oliver, it is a very nice selection for your review IMO. The questions above if discussed could give me the usefull points, if I'm about to get it (for pointing purposes ).

BTW I consider for office use Optotronics 4.99 mW 532 nm to replace my current 532 nm cheapo, which looks like 10-15 mW. Should be included in optics kit, I'm about to order. For outdoor pointing I have my Evo, whoose power might be adjusted around the rest of range reasonable for pointing purposes. For the laser you are about to review I see sense and purpose for office use. So good to have power up to 5 mW.
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Well, an update. Swi has agreed to letting me review the USB rechargeable 532nm pointer. :)

The chances of changing the battery looks slim without damaging the laser, but I will investigate further once I receive it. It is a mini USB from what I can see.
Also I will be looking into the power and divergence of the laser, and also how long the internal battery lasts for.
I can personally see the laser having a power over 5mW myself, but I'm not expecting too much. I'm hoping to be pleasantly shocked. :p
Great, Oliver. I'm looking forward to see your review. Anyway, I personally would appreciate this laser to be 5 mW as maximum to meet its purpose of the office pointer. Let's see...
Thank you Radim. :) I can't wait either. We'll soon see about the power. :beer:
