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FrozenGate by Avery

Would these be good for blue 445 laser?

Feb 19, 2016
I understand that tests would have to be done in order to know exactly how good they are. But judging by the color alone, would these be good for at least a majority of needed protection for a 445nm laser? I've heard red is the color to have for a blue laser, but I've also heard orange and even Amber, which is what these are: http://www.menards.com/main/mainten...421203144-c-13851.htm?tid=2274888604661396448

Here's another pair from the same place: http://www.menards.com/main/mainten...443330701-c-13851.htm?tid=3480778756059531007
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NO! Those will not protect you from blue laser light. They may do some blue blocking but they are not made to attenuate blue laser 445-450nm and have no OD rating, also the dye may vary from batch to batch, you need to use certified laser safety glasses.
NO! Those will not protect you from blue laser light. They may do some blue blocking but they are not made to attenuate blue laser 445-450nm and have no OD rating, also the dye may vary from batch to batch, you need to use certified laser safety glasses.

Yeah, that's kind of what I thought. I really wish they had red ones, but they don't. They have blue ones though. You'd think that with all the talk about how blue light messes up our sleep patterns, they'd make red ones so people could at least experiment with blocking blue light from everyday sources at least.
