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FrozenGate by Avery

Wicked Lasers Scam Poll!!!!

Oct 7, 2007
Thanks to Timelord's answer on my last poll. I have gotten inspired for this poll. Here it it:
Would you have gotten sucked into the Wicked Lasers scam (bought a laser, recommend it, etc) before you found out about their company and their questionable business practices?

the lower powered lasers they carry aren't bad
and their goggles / dragon cases are actually recommended for all

it's just that they employ questionable business tactics that piss people off
I know how it feels everybody :'( . I was going to buy a laser from them. I was really excited and ready to buy a powerful one from them and then I found out about their business. I was actually pretty dissapointed but now I am buying I think a Nova X series laser. :)
well you will definately be more satisfied with nova than wicked thats for sure!
All of this down talk is really getting annoying. In no way do I support Wicked Lasers, but I do wish that this forum would stop this entire "Wicked Lasers sucks" campaign. Not ALL of their products are bad. I would bet that almost every person on this forum has at LEAST 1 product from Wicked Lasers. I highly recommend the Core and their 15 mW green (don't know the name off the top of my head). Also, their goggles and dragon cases are great accessories for us hobbyist.

Seriously, if you own ONE item from Wicked Lasers and use it, and posted in this thread, you are a hypocrite.
RobTheVIP said:
Seriously, if you own ONE item from Wicked Lasers and use it, and posted in this thread, you are a hypocrite.
not really, i have 3 wicked lasers lasers, and i have major complaints about 2 of them. sure, i still use them occasionally, but...they're lasers!
Blah blah blah. :P I have heard so many rumors about WL. I myself have an advanced 35 mW and it is really nice. Now I have heard to stay away from the higher power models from WL. But apparently the lower ones are ok. Like the Core, Classic, and advanced.
RobTheVIP said:
All of this down talk is really getting annoying. In no way do I support Wicked Lasers, but I do wish that this forum would stop this entire "Wicked Lasers sucks" campaign. Not ALL of their products are bad. I would bet that almost every person on this forum has at LEAST 1 product from Wicked Lasers. I highly recommend the Core and their 15 mW green (don't know the name off the top of my head). Also, their goggles and dragon cases are great accessories for us hobbyist.

Seriously, if you own ONE item from Wicked Lasers and use it, and posted in this thread, you are a hypocrite.

Well I do own the lasershades for both red and green lasers , but I don't own a WL laser and would not buy from them(does that make me a hypocrite?), although I will admit had it not been for this forum I would have been suckered in.

But yeah...I agree with you these threads are getting old. It's one thing for a new member to ask for advice on buying a laser, but the endless threads putting down WL is old. So I will not participate in this poll.
I have two pairs of Laser Shades, One pair of Sport Elite Goggles, Two Dragon Cases, Double Convex Lens, Cap Set, and two boxes from Wicked Lasers. This doesn't mean I like them. The only product I would purchase form them without using Wicked Bucks (Which are hard to get now) would be the Dragon Case since there aren't many places to get something that works as well as one of those and as cheap. Call me a hypocrite if you wish but it won't stop me from never recommending Wicked Lasers to someone.
Yeah, I guess there are too many polls and posts about WL. I guess I just needed someplace to take out all my disappointment. But you know, you don't have to read the posts.
