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FrozenGate by Avery

Wicked Lasers, Nano?

What power and color?

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Feb 13, 2014
I am new to the laser stuff and I'm thinking of getting a Nano by Wicked lasers. I was hoping someone could tell me witch one is best (15, 75, 100mW) and if they are of good quality. Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place. Thanks.

Don't mind me. I;m just posting so I will be subbed to the thread. I want to watch.

Hey Ekaj,

The only difference between the three will be the power they will output and color. Neither is better then the other two, just purchase the one which outputs your favorite color :p But be aware, that which ever one you pick safety goggles are highly recommended. As even the weakest Nano(15mW) is plenty to cause eye damage.

Can't tell you much about their quality since I have never bought a Nano from WL.
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WL's a mixed boat... they aren't bad enough to be condemned to the blacklist, but they aren't good enough to be praised on the whitelist either :p

My thoughts are, if you're going to get one, get the 405nm. It offers the best balance of cool color factor and burning power. The pricing is decent too, unlike the 100mW red version (slightly overpriced IMO)...

IMO the 15mW 532m option is a total rip-off, do not buy if you value your money lol
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Go with LaserBTB you will save a boatload of money in the long term


Their products are of better build quality. You just wont have the smart switch.

WL is overpriced and lasers are usually underspec.

Not sure u should buy from them, they seem expensive for what you get compared to others i mean their 75mw 405 is 99$ thats so overprice today, but its your choice many years ago they were cool but now they are just bad. They dont even state how much the lasers peak just Min power, that to me dont mean much i wouldnt expect them to be even overspec at all...

You should check out laserbtb they have some nice pen lasers too even weaker then 15mw if you want but higher then 100 also and have safety features like a keylock like all their lasers.which is good and their prices are insane cheap too and most are overspec from what ive been reading here.
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Thanks for the feedback, I checked out laserbtb and found a 1w laser for the same price so thanks so much!!
Or build your own! So simple these days, check out DTR's webstore (Google DTR laser store) and pick out your diode with driver all pre-mounted and ready to wire up. There are also several great guys building hosts around here too. Most are such that you can essentially drop in one of DTR's modules and solder two small points. I will make you a deal, if you agree to build your own I will send you a free heat sink that will convert a cheap $7 UltraFire 501-b flashlight into a laser host (search ebay or Amazon for it) Then all you will need to do is buy a diode module from DTR's store, buy a 501-b flashlight and strip out the guts, drop the module into the sink, the sink into the flashlight host, solder two small wires, and bada-bing....you got the best laser out of anything you could buy. That's just my opinion, take it for what's it's worth. Not that often someone will give you a free heatsink around here just for a commitment to build your own. Heck, I will even talk you through building it if you need any assistance. No catch, just trying to spread my passion. Even if you don't own a solder iron you can buy some solder glue type stuff that works just as well. Just PM me if your willing to take a leap into the best hobby around. One more caveat to my offer, you have to buy the proper safety glasses first. Just email me a screen shot of the receipt, your mailing address, and I will send it out to you within a day.

Oh yeah, and by the way, welcome to the forum! Be sure to read the Stickies in the General section and everywhere else, great place to start your journey.

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