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FrozenGate by Avery

Why not Groove 2 by DrLava ? !

I just used this for a LOC build today using a single 18650 in Mohrenberg's host and its working great. Not to mention its super cheap too.


thanks guys, good to see ya all.
I'm glad i didn't miss anything in Groove 2 manual.

It is perfect for pen sized lasers up to 500mA So reds and Violets :-) and "conservative" (ONLY ~350mW !) blue pens :-)) when used with two 3,7V Li-ions !!

I wish there was higher capacity 10440 battery out there I have only AW 350mAh. I know there are ultrafire 500mAh, but i don't trust their performance over AW

Don't wast your money on the Ultrafires. I was recommended the AW's but saw the larger capacity on the Ultrafires. So I bought 3 of each. The Ultrafires don't last as long as the AW's and the AW's allowed for better current draw. I was running a 445@1A with a flexdrive in one of my MXDL's. The setup was 3x10440's in parallel. The ultrafires would not handel the current draw at all causing the fast blink(as compared to the slow blink when in thermal protection mode) immediately like it does when the batteries are dying. The AW's did not have this problem. Don't get me wrong they did not last long either driving a 445@1A but at least they did for about 10-15min.
