How's this for a nonconstructive activity? I went to the trouble of combining red, green, and blue beams. Then I took them apart again. But it sure is sexy. OH yes.
Start with your typical (or not so typical) white beam:
My hosting service has been having a lot of troubles lately. They're still there, but the server goes down fairly often, sometimes for hours at a time.
O my god that's simply stunning man . Those pictures are awesome, what are the powers off the lasers used. Is that bleu one an argon? What kind of dichro did u use, i can't believ u pulled this off in 20 minutes very nice work man.
Yes, that's my 50mW single line argon. I didn't measure the outputs this time, but they should still be at a ratio close to 4:1:2 totalling around 300mW.
The rightmost optic in this lot from ebay can be used as either a red/green, green/blue, or red/blue depending on the angle of the incident beam. I used it to combine the green and blue. For the sea-green/red dichro, I used a strange unidentified pane of glass I found in a dead digital camera.