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White beam LD ?

Mar 3, 2016
As you guys know that a conventional white LED is consist of blue LED + yellow phosphor,
new white laser diodes (if currently under-developed) will be unveiled as a blue LD with yellow phosphor combination.


recently announced laser-driven headlights such as the BMW and Audi, it is also consist of
high power blue LD with yellow phosphor to produce white light output.


that's for sure divergence of a vehicle headlamps must be dispersed for human-eye safety,. but laser pointer is opposite.

i know that the yellow phosphor mixed with resin which is used on conventional LED will not work on laser diodes.
laser's thermal output is far more stronger than high-power LEDs thus thermal durability possibly unmet for LD.

so i think single crystal type of yellow phosphor must be needed to build single package white laser diode.


Imagine the white laser beam powered by the current high-power blue laser diode. it would be great :)

This is too good to be true. A white laser diode must be a great hit. I believe they will eventually coming out.
Don't think it'll happen any time soon. The last development was a white semiconductor laser - but semiconductor doesn't mean laser diode. As far as I remember it was three semiconductors grown on the same substrate (The real breakthrough) and pumped by another (pulsed UV IIRC?) laser.

What OP is talking about wouldn't technically be an LD anyway, it'd be DPSS. That's assuming it's possible - you'd need to find a material that could be pumped with blue light and lase efficiently in the yellow region of the spectrum (Or green and red simultaneously) while still allowing for some blue to pass in order to make white.

Just because you can get something to emit yellow/red/green light when you pump it with a blue laser doesn't necessarily mean it's capable of lasing at all.
It would be nice to see RGB diodes just like the old RV (405/650) diodes extracted from PS3 sleds which produces a nice magenta beam.
A phosphor degrades faster if it is highly illuminated, or if it is operated at high temperatures. Operating phosphor in a laser's focal point will ensure its swift demise.
Is there any possibility of combined RGB diodes which have three emitters to produce white looking light?
Is there any possibility of combined RGB diodes which have three emitters to produce white looking light?

Maybe this is it.

The 'Lanji' company of China sells white Laser diodes.

i don't know what it's exactly is.

one of my acquaintance emailed them and replied the diode is
triple beam in one package and emits white beam.

2015 Hot New Products White Laser Diode 300mw RGB Laser Diode, View 300mw rgb laser diode, Lanji Product Details from Dongguan Lanji Photoelectricity Co., Ltd. on Alibaba.com
Maybe this is it.

The 'Lanji' company of China sells white Laser diodes.

i don't know what it's exactly is.

one of my acquaintance emailed them and replied the diode is
triple beam in one package and emits white beam.

2015 Hot New Products White Laser Diode 300mw RGB Laser Diode, View 300mw rgb laser diode, Lanji Product Details from Dongguan Lanji Photoelectricity Co., Ltd. on Alibaba.com

I'll believe it when I see it - there is no datasheet listed, no wavelengths listed, no other specifications listed, other than "RGB" and "100/300/2000mW". Not to mention I've never seen any publication or other reputable source offer such a diode. My guess is that it's a bundle with three separate diodes (Even then, something seems off) and the information your friend received was due to the language barrier - unless your friend speaks Chinese?

If it smells like BS it probably is.

Maybe one day we'll see RGB diodes. It was only a few years ago that we started to see green diodes - technology advances quickly.
O-LIKE offers RGB for white:
400mW RGB white laser module/laser light module/TTL modulation [OL-RGB-400] - $92.00 : Zen Cart!, The Art of E-commerce
Thats their cheapest but they have others. I would be very surprised though If you didn't have to spend a lot of time trying to align.

Same/similar products available on eBay for reasonable prices. Agreed though, alignment isn't going to be fun with those if you ever need to do it - shit-tier dichro mounts as far as I've seen.
My RG yellow one was a pain to get right and they never really look like the real thing anyways. The divergence of the seperate beams won't match on less they do something to clip the beams to match the best one and I doubt you will find anything cheap doing that.
