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FrozenGate by Avery

Which one would you buy (recommend)?

Oct 7, 2007
Since I am still undecided on which laser to get, I decided to make a poll on the laser choices.  I need one with popping and burning capabilities too. I also know people say wicked is a bad company but I am just curios on how many people would actually get a wicked laser.  Please be honest. Thank you. :)

Fluffles_Lasernoob said:
Fine, I'll remove them :) . Guess I just wanted to see if any people would click them.
It would be interesting to see how many do click Wicked Lasers ;D ;D ;D
It would be interesting to see how many do click Wicked Lasers ;D ;D ;D
It would (I would have clicked on them and maybe even bought a laser before I found out that Wicked was a really bad company!!)
me_too_lazy said:
I dont think it's necessary to put any wicked laser products in your poll

I don't see the necessity for a poll to begin with, all the information one needs to know about any of these lasers is already posted.
For the laser of choice i would definatly go with the PPL-100 Because it will be the most stable laser of the bunch, it has the longest duty cycle and out of them all because of the diode it has should have the most chance for a higher output. yea i know so many people got x-105 that almsot make 125s but the ppl could get their easier and hold it.
Chief-Eamonn said:
I dont like wicked they banned me from there forum and didnt say why  :P  :(
They banned you because they are scammers and thieves that are desperately trying to conceal their wrong doings from the noobs, the naive and the gullible. It is nothing short of despicable behaviour !!
To all of the people complaining about a WL post, you know, you don't have to read or answer WL posts are starting to piss you off! :o
I voted for the X105. If I could habe any of the above lasers for free I would choose the PPL-100, but the X105 is a ton cheaper. I have an X105 and it's great.
