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Which is better for a DIY liquid sky effect: spinning polygon mirrors, or a galvo?

Jun 10, 2014
Working on my first DIY laser project: an RGV, color-shifting, liquid sky effect.

Given that I'm not trying to make any fancy 2D pictures, should I still follow the design of your basic DIY RGV projector, minus the y-axis galvo, or is it better to replace the galvo with a spinning mirror from an old laser printer? What are the pros and cons of the two approaches for getting the laser to scan?

If you just want to sweep the beam across a plane using a rotating mirror would be much easier compared to setting up a full galvo system.

But as laserbee pointed out that can also be done without any moving parts using a grating or something similar.
Rotating mirrors give you very large angle scans with a fixed angle. This spreads the energy out a lot, which can mean needing more laser power. Also they tend to have a very narrow scan rate range, which gets boring.

