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FrozenGate by Avery

Where to harvest a small button from


Oct 26, 2010
long story short, lost the button off my diode before i could resolder it. Any ideas on where i can harvest one from? i have a heap of spare electronics. any help is appreciated. cheers.

Uhm, anything with "clicky" (not softkeys or gum keys) keyboards, usually, have a good possibility to have them inside, but there are also a lot, literally, of models and shapes, so can be difficult to find the exact type that you need ..... old car radios, VCRs, fax machines, printers (some of them, at least), cd/dvd readers and burners (at least one each :p), industrial control panels, and so on .....
If you'll be more specific of what 'button' you're missing, I can probably help you out. I have a myriad of buttons/micro-switches for you to choose from. I photo would be VERY helpful....................... rob
