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FrozenGate by Avery

Where to buy cheap goggles for 638nm laser


Aug 25, 2010
So I have read the stickies, and I have looked on numerous sites, but every pair of safety goggles I see are ~50 bucks or more. Does anyone know of a place to get safety glasses/goggles for red wavelengths for cheap?


Nope, red lasers are tough... you can go the certified route with OEM Laser systems, but that's way way over $50.

Below that you have survivallaser's Eagle pair goggles, for ~$50, and goggles from greenlaserpointer.org, also for ~$50.

Next step down are cheap blue goggles from o-like/ebay, which personally I just wouldn't trust with a ~1W.
Damn. I just made my first handheld laser last night(ill be making a thread about it with pics galore tonight sometime) and I would guess it is running ~450-500mW's. I don't wanna go without protection, but I LITERALLY have no money. Maybe I will ask my family to buy me safety equipment for Christmas lol.
I'm waiting on hakzaw to see if we can maybe get an LPF discount from jetlasers on two goggles (greenlaserpointer.org). I have goggles that are great for red lasers, but, BUT, they don't fit over my glasses at all, so not really an adequate solution.
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Once I get a replacement, yes definitely. I need them for now though.

Hak said he will respond within a day...
We need another OEM laser systems GB. :D I got RB2's for 100$. Great price for the insanely high VLT they have.
My Green-Purple blocking goggles from Jetlasers were free with my laser and they are excellent so I have a hard time resigning myself to using the majority of my cash to buy goggles.
Personally I wouldn't buy cheap goggles. You get two eyeballs and thats it. Both pairs of glasses I use regularly are from OEM and I paid about $90 shipped each for them. I bought the ML2 filtered ones for my reds because they also cover the lower IR range. OEM's site is kinda messed up right now and I'm having a brain fart ATM but I think they cover all reds starting at 633nm. I can dig the spec sheet OEM sent with them if you want.

About the only "cheap" brand I would trust is Eagle Pair. I bought a pair that was advertised as being Eagle Pair but when they arrived they didn't have any of the markings (including the certification ones) that they normally have so I really don't fully trust them even though in my testing they seemed to work as advertised. Maybe I'm just overly paranoid since I have other vision problems that are unrelated to lasers.
