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What's your favorite Pokemon?

Ears and Eggs

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LPF Site Supporter
Oct 1, 2007
Post your favorite Pokemon. :D Obviously way to many options to have a poll, so just post the name of the Pokemon and a picture of it in the thread. :D

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Man I remember when I collected Pokemon cards. At one point I had Charizard, Lugia, and Wailord, all in their "EX" form. That just means they were the strongest available form at the time and were also some of the rarest and highly valued cards then too. Someone stole them out of my locker and when I found out who it was, the teachers refused to do anything about it and he got away. That was years and years ago but it still makes me mad.

But back on Subject. My favorite Pokemon has got to be Swampert. Perfect combo of earth and water, which made it invulnerable to electric attacks and super effective against fire types. It was also the first Pokemon I trained to lvl 100 in the old gameboy games:)
Man I remember when I collected Pokemon cards. At one point I had Charizard, Lugia, and Wailord, all in their "EX" form. That just means they were the strongest available form at the time and were also some of the rarest and highly valued cards then too. Someone stole them out of my locker and when I found out who it was, the teachers refused to do anything about it and he got away. That was years and years ago but it still makes me mad.

What set where EX cards from? Man that really sucks that they got stolen. I started collecting when I was in grade 5 right back when they first came out in 1999. I must have had close to the complete Base Set by the time the school, like many at the time, had to ban them completely. Due to repeated fights, thefts, etc.

Started to collect again last year thanks to getting hooked on Pokemon Go. :D Here are some of my newer cards:





And a few non card items from my collection:

What set where EX cards from? Man that really sucks that they got stolen. I started collecting when I was in grade 5 right back when they first came out in 1999. I must have had close to the complete Base Set by the time the school, like many at the time, had to ban them completely. Due to repeated fights, thefts, etc.

Man I'm not even sure what set. I remember getting them around the time of 2005-ish though. I was about 4th grade by then.
Pokemon go started to get me back into it but I stopped when they didn't update enough:p I tried to get back into PKM GO but by now all of my friends have lost interest and its just not fun to play by yourself.
Yeah, not sure how much staying power Pokemon GO will have before it gets boring and repetitive.

Since none of my friends around here are into Pokemon I play the card game online.

Play Trading Card Game Online | Pokemon.com

Exact same as playing with actual cards but there are tournaments and rankings and whatnot. It also link in with the real cards, like if you buy a theme deck in store, it comes with a code card to unlock the same deck into your online account.
Yeah, not sure how much staying power Pokemon GO will have before it gets boring and repetitive.

Since none of my friends around here are into Pokemon I play the card game online.

Play Trading Card Game Online | Pokemon.com

Exact same as playing with actual cards but there are tournaments and rankings and whatnot. It also link in with the real cards, like if you buy a theme deck in store, it comes with a code card to unlock the same deck into your online account.

Now that is interesting:thinking:

Thanks for the link!
Oh man, I remember back when I was young watching tons of Pokémon movies and even collecting cards! I remember we would trade between one another and do battles. My favorite would probably be Pikachu, why? Well it's the only Pokémon I know :crackup: :D

I had the Red version for game boy when it first came out, and my buddy had the Blue version. I was in 6th or 7th grade at the time. Between us we managed to get all 150 in the game, with the link cable to trade between our gameboys. Also we had missingno, the glitched pokemon.

Then I started collecting the cards, and managed to get the entire base set complete. However it came up missing out of my parents basement a few years later. I had a pretty good idea who it was, but had no way of proving. Then many years later I was at that said persons house whom i suspected had swiped em. We were cleaning house for his dad.(And they were in a pokemon themed trapper keeper style binder) Lo and behold I found the trapper keeper with all the cards still in it in his dads spare room where he kept baseball cards. I swiped it back when the kid wasnt around. But sadly a lot of the cards were water damaged. So i gave the whole lot to my nephews, who at the time were 10 or 11.

As for my fav pokemon back then, i would have to say Allakhazam was up there, but also I loved Geodude.
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Yeah, not sure how much staying power Pokemon GO will have before it gets boring and repetitive.

I think that ship has sailed unless the gym rework they have planned turns out to be very good and engaging.

I never got into the cards but battling ppl with the showdown battle sim every now and then can be fun.

Link -> Showdown!
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