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Whats the longest time you have slept?

Jun 13, 2007
Diachi said:
after having 5 cans of energy drink. tbh you feel great for like 30 minutes, but after that you just die  :o
That's called caffeine poisoning... ;D I had that last weekend when I was staying with some friends and we were trying to stay up all night. After a BFC, a NOS high performance, a Venom, and some coffee I was wired. 8-) The next morning I thought I was going to die...needless to say that was the last time I am going to take that much caffeine at once. :-[


Feb 22, 2008
styropyro said:
[quote author=Diachi link=1235250735/0#15 date=1238871446]after having 5 cans of energy drink. tbh you feel great for like 30 minutes, but after that you just die  :o
That's called caffeine poisoning... ;D I had that last weekend when I was staying with some friends and we were trying to stay up all night. After a BFC, a NOS high performance, a Venom, and some coffee I was wired. 8-) The next morning I thought I was going to die...needless to say that was the last time I am going to take that much caffeine at once. :-[[/quote]

It's not nice, even after having a good long sleep I still kept feeling horrible, felt dizzy for a few days, and constantly tired.

Someone had to finish the cans off, didn't want them going to waste ::)

