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What is your internet connection speed?

Oh lordy... I've been on an awful dial-up level satellite connection for like a week... Now I'm on high-speed again and I LOVE IT. You don't know what you've got till it's gone.

PC @ home

Kinda odd upload result :o

PS: 100th post :D
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The computer barely loads pages as low as 12mbps but I often get as high as 50mbps.
(drat the borrowed wi fi)
Where I am now, this connection varies from around 300kb/s down to less than 1kb/s down :yabbmad: and when I tested the wi-fi on the stanford campus it was 60mb/s down 50mb/s up :D
Hey the cable guy gave me a tip. If you have cable phone, and internet, you can save money by getting the economy internet option. In reality the cable company needs to send high bandwidth to keep the phone clear. So you'll get full speed at economy rates. Only works if you are using the phone modem for your internet connection.

It's Cox Comms. (community cablevision) and it hasn't said what it's supposed to be ever, i think it shares a connection with others in my neighborhood so when my neighbors go pr0n hunting i have issues with simple sites like LPF... lmao
For $30 a month.....terrible.

of course it is split between 3 computers, and my family loves the interwebs..

Thats funny man.

I dont have an answer for that. Maybe pay for your own line. Are all the connections wireless? Because if you are close, you can run a hard line from the router.
The funny thing is that it is a hard line from a router....
I tested speed again, exact same result...
I'm kinda glad I tested it, I knew my connection was bad but i didn't know it was this bad.
