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What is the maximum distance can a laser permanently blind someone?

Sep 30, 2013
For example,
nm, mw, etc

What is the maximum distance a laser can blind permanently, give the conditions
1) target is not wearing eyewear ( naked )
2) no obstructions
3) laser is 1w, 445nm for example
4) take divergence to be negligible or you can calculate the divergence itself
5) take beam to be exposed to eyes for no longer than 1 second.

Do you guys have a formula or graph?

There really is no data to calculate that. Laser safety is based on maximum acceptable exposure levels and durations, with the purpose in mind of guaranteeing that no permanent eye damage is caused.

It would be very difficult to define an exposure level that would, in all cases, cause total blindness, apart from 'insanely high'. Also, 'blindness' is a bit of a vague limit to start with: someone with partly destroyed vision (e.g. a dark spot) would for most practial purposes not be considered blind, but the damage could very well be permanent and adversely effect quality of life.

That said, err on the safe side. With the 1 watt 445s the divergence is pretty bad, resulting in a relatively small range at which they can cause permanent eye damage. With something of equal power but better collimation this range could be much much further, perhaps even kilometers when using beam expanding optics.
no offence but why are you asking this??

there is no answer.

we blink quickly- (.25 seconds)we are not often looking directly into the laser- less damage from the side- pupil size 7 mm

most likely a painless hole burnt in the retina-
painless because we have no pain receptors inside the eye-

you are talking about both eyes or is the plan to blind an one eyed person..

you might need to tie then down- force the eyes open(ala 'A Clockwork Orange') and use two lasers for total and complete blindness-- best might just be to stab them in both eyes with the laser host-- ice pics would work better-- '

does my rely start to sound creepy???- it should as your OP is quite creepy--

not sure you should own lasers - guns or sharp things

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Oops, thanks for the advice, Benm and others
Hak, I wanted to find out not because I wished to assiniate someone with a laser, but more of an understanding of how to conduct my experiments without hurting anyone, then where and how I should conduct it..hopefully that reassures you. :)
There are certain calculations that you can do.

On the iOS appstore you can download an app called "Laser NOHD"

It will give you a list of parameters such as power and divergence, which is used to calculate at what distance
a certain laser (given its power and divergence) is not hazardous to view for more than 0.25 seconds.

Using this app you can calculate that a 1W laser with a divergence of 2mrad will become 'non-hazardous'
at a distance of 112.92m (367.2ft). However I would not rely on these calculations to conduct 'safe' experiments
on people, they are there purely to give an estimate or a rough value of the 'nominal ocular hazard distance'.
What good is this information :thinking:

Are you going to test the answers you get :crackup:

You do know that trying to answer this question is a bit like trying to heard cats, it can be done but :whistle:

Haha Flaminpryo, I just wanted to isolate myself from anyone and decrease the chances of me hurting people. So no matter how small the chance, I still want to get rid of it.
You did a poor job of wording your question--

I will make this simple ...NO LASER ..any power or wavelength ever pointed at any living thing-

I agree --- good point and clear thinking hak
+1 rep to you

cheejiayuan512 just make sure you use it in a clear area without people , pets, or other animals that can be harmed.
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I figured as much so no neg red from me--

You might want to add that fact to your OP and also in your profile page-

I can see that your English in better than my 'other' languages-

You may be interested to know that considering how many people have seen a laser show that only a few accidents have ever happened and none of 190,000,000 estimated people has ever been 'blinded'--
People? Singapore? Distance? Safety? Take your safety goggles and your laser to the safest place. Oh and don't forget to lock the bathroom door behind you or surely someone will walk in and be blinded! :D
Safety has less to do with the lasers parameters than the wise operation from it's owner. Laser safety unfortunately comes down to experience and education. Stay safe!
