This is getting even stranger. I have 2 of these diodes, and now, I cannot for the life of me get the one that should be perfect, to come anything close to touching the performance of the one that shouldn't be working at all. I have another one on the way (3 of them, in fact), so I am anxiously waiting to scientificly establish a comparison, but since I have no complaints about the one that is supposed to be working fine (and it seems to be doing just that), that means that somehow the one that should have died has come back with some kind of super power, like a story from a comic book. I'm not buying it until I see it compared to another new diode, we shall see.
And the wierdes thing is that the focused pattern still isnt quite right. I should have a nice lilttle cluster of dots, and when I overloaded the one, immediately, that cluster sort of just dispersed. Well, now, it looks to me like it has squeezed that cluster into a single, "super dot", I have a smaller dot, that is much brighter. I know, that would be a remarkable improvement, this is why I refuse to accept what I see until I see another new one side by side. I know, I don't believe it, either, but if the new ones proove to be the same as the other one I have, then I guess I'll have to loan the mutant to one of the experts, here, in the interest of science. This harkens back to the title I started on the this thread, and we'll all need to know, wtf did I do to this diode?