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what color goggles for blue lasers?


Sep 12, 2007
I know that red goggles are used with green lasers and blue goggles are used with red lasers. However, does anyone know what color goggles are the best for working with blue lasers?

Just curious.

Well, its not really the color of the goggles that matter. You can have red/orange looking goggles that barely affect green light, and others that block nearly all of it. That said, the red/orange tinted protection for green lasers is often also useful against blue lasers. For instance, the goggles WL sends for the green Spyder are the same for blue Spyders.

The color of goggles is just the mix of all the light they let through, so the only thing you know for sure about the color of blue-blocking goggles, is that their appearance shouldn't contain any blue.
I purchased a "leak detection kit" surplus from work that uses a near UV halogen type bulb for use with a flourescence liquid. although they are made for near UV (350-400nm) the supplied safety goggles are made from a Yellow coloured Plexiglass. Violet viewed through these turns into a very dark muddy brown, and blues turn into a very dark murky green, red and yellow however seems very vibrant and enhanced.

Just my 2 pennies worth.

LOOK!..saying this for the LAST TIME..
do not refer to these by the color of the lens- you make this much more confusing that it needs to be.
IF you want glasses for blue lasers--that is what you call them-- blue laser glasses.. and no other way is correct or smart.
I have some eagles for all lasers we can see.. the lens is grey--should I call them 'grey laser glasses'??????

The only thing important is what lasers are covered and how well they protect.
FORGET the lens color PLEASE-- a new member may wear the wrong protection due to this confusion.

forget the 2 cents..

IMHO calling them by the wrong name is reckless-and totally unneeded.

the needed info is on the frames.

you are welcome!!!
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LOOK!..saying this for the LAST TIME..
do not refer to these by the color of the lens- you make this much more confusing that it needs to be.
IF you want glasses for blue lasers--that is what you call them-- blue laser glasses.. and no other way is correct or smart.
I have some eagles for all lasers we can see.. the lens is grey--should I call well them 'grey laser glasses'??????

The only thing important is what lasers are covered and how well they protect.
FORGET the lens color PLEASE-- a new member may wear the wrong protection due to this confusion.

forget the 2 cents..

IMHO calling them by the wrong name is reckless-and totally unneeded.

the needed info is on the frames.

you are welcome!!!

This thread is nearly 12 years old...
