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FrozenGate by Avery

What Are your favorite Host's

Jan 12, 2015
Hey guys I was wondering what is your favorite host/host's and could you possible give a link to it/them thanks guys.

My favorite host would have to be the CNI GLP black/gold AAA's one. There is just something about it that makes the laser much more valuable and stunning when you have it in your hands!

Luckily I have that exact host in my 593.5nm pointer, which is also my favorite wavelength :D

Laserglow Technologies

You can check out my Shop, lotsa heatsinks for hosts, you can see how each assembles into a laser and I believe all of the listed hosts can be bought either on DealExtreme or GearBest.

I'd recommend checking GearBest first, they appear to be doing good.
I like the laser host's where its also a heatsink
also small slim host's
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For something like that, you want to contact members who make these hosts:
mrcrouse (though he's in bit of a trouble currently)

Though be warned, those hosts cost a lot.
Have to admit I love nice pen hosts but that is likely to change with all the new "mods" I have coming;) For a hint take a look at what DTR posted in my latest thread link In my sig concerning unique ones.
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Have to admit I love nice pen hosts but that is likely to change with all the new "mods" I have coming;) For a hint take a look at what DTR posted in my latest thread link In my sig concerning unique ones.

You mean that 16$ ebay one?
Pman it looks like a bunch of vaping mods? I can't believe I didn't see a stingray lol, sir Lancelot is my favorite.
