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FrozenGate by Avery

Voltage question...

ok yeah i took the circuitry out of the boster pack... and about the shop, its a auto shop so no expensive metal machining equipment :'( :'( but im determined to make it look nice, even if... it just occured to me to tell one of the techs there to call a in favor one of the machine shops here!... just a thought though not sure if it will happen. but i do want to make it look nice, thats why i didnt just use some kind of box to begin with!! ::)

ok here are some pics. (crappy resolution because its a phone camera) after i took apart the gutts of the flashlight and inserted the heatsink i found out it wouldnt stay in there. (there was a little black o-ring but with a little force the whole heatsink and diode would just push through it and i didnt want to risk it) and i didnt want to permanently "glue it" or weld it in because i wanted to reuse it if say i "accidentally" overpowered my diode and killed it :D so i used a rubber o-ring, i found one in the shop, just had to cut out a small portion to get an exact fit. with this, the heat sink stuck there pretty good. i also saw that after i enclosed everything in the top part of the flashlight, that is heatsink, diode, driver and the little "star" that held the led in place, the whole thing was just a little flimsy so again i used a smaller o-ring which gave it a more solid fit... i havent gotten the pipe yet, that requires some time because im gonna have to machine something one way or another to make it fit right but as soon as i get the time to do it ill post pics of the process


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how do i post multiple pics????.....


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