Nov 3, 2007 #17 RA_pierce 0 Joined Sep 16, 2007 Messages 3,663 Points 113 Hmm... I've always wanted one. That and a YAG. Yum. Anyway, I was just wondering because in most of the pictures I see of Argon lasers, they're emitting a nice cyan color.
Hmm... I've always wanted one. That and a YAG. Yum. Anyway, I was just wondering because in most of the pictures I see of Argon lasers, they're emitting a nice cyan color.
Nov 4, 2007 #18 Cyparagon 0 Joined Sep 12, 2007 Messages 9,399 Points 113 That's the 488nm line. A multiline model will look similar with perhaps a slightly more greenish tint.
That's the 488nm line. A multiline model will look similar with perhaps a slightly more greenish tint.