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Videos you wish to share part two.

I understand your point Red, but I don't believe it would be made public unless it can't be helped. The false flag conspiracy has been around for a while which partly backs up your viewpoint however. Anything is possible. The more we don't know, the more uncertain the future is.

The more people who know about something the harder it is to keep it a secret, if there things are really happening then it's just a matter of time before the truth gets out, and yes almost anything is possible.
That would be my point. People have been "seeing" UFOs since Jules Verne. If there was ANY credibility to this, there would be incontrovertible evidence by now.
That's a pretty involved conspiracy theory you got there. I guess it could be any government that had this advantage if it were real, though. Why is it always the USA when they talk about alien conspiracies?
Paul, it isn't just the USA, this is being talked about all over the world, other governments have released information these things are off world visitors coming here, you just haven't researched this subject enough to know that yet. Reality is, this hasn't been kept a secret very well. I'm not sure the anal probe story wasn't disinformation or even black ops to make individuals claiming abductions put out strange stories like that making they whole thing seem even more nuts, but I haven't heard of more individuals claiming such for a long time now. If you want to check into some well known videos showing the visitations are real, search YouTube, there are some you can find there showing a ship off shore over the black sea in Istanbul, there is also a giant cylinder ship photographed over an international airport in China which shut down operations there which is public and was reported in the media around the world for a short period of time. Also, there was a ship hovering over a terminal in Chicago which made our own national news too, but other media outlets didn't hype it up much, the story died.

If they did retrieve crashed ships, their first priority would be to reverse engineer them and keep this from the public (and other governments) to keep from causing panic, too much panic and the systems supporting the government could crumble, or worse than that, the threads holding society together, snap. Best to go slow, study, build, suck up as much money as they could to build their own space based and off world operations and then, slowly bring the rest of humanity into knowing about these other races, once their technology dominance over other governments has been achieved. That's how I would do it, why waste an opportunity to get ahead? They could also continue sucking more funds by using that technology to produce some false flag (alien) operations making them appear as a threat, the amount of money to further expand their secret space ops would be incredible. We could go that direction, or maybe decide to slowly open up about the reality, if influenced by others to stop the deception, assuming there are others we respect who have ethics like that.

Paul, we are out of synch because I deleted a shorter version of this post while you were apparently typing your response up, I added it again after you posted, unfortunately.
Here's one:

You can still find a lot of educated people denying these things, some of the most educated people in the world, but they are wrong. Just goes to prove you can be smart and wrong at the same time. I'm sure you've met a lot of stupid smart people in your life, as I have. The above is extraordinary evidence. There are several, search out the Temple on the Mount UFO video taken by several people all over Israel.
To me this is far from proof that alien aircraft are among us here on earth. I remember when CCD sensors were first introduced to consumer electronics in the 1980s and people started showing "evidence" of aircraft that turned out to be noise in the sensors.
This can be argued even with our own eyes. Everything in reality is subjective based on personal perspectives. A lot of what we see is our brain making up information. I understand that technology has its glitches and our brains paraidolia can fill in the information. However, do you believe this is what happens 100% of the time?

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" too much panic and the systems supporting the government could crumble "
@ Chris
In times of turmoil such as world war or epidemic, natural disaster, ect... People pull together, the day to day BS stops and people put their differences aside and pull together, we don't go to pieces and most will be talking about the news of the day and working on solutions because we are all concerned about our safety, our families and our future, seriously the churches would be full on Sunday as people come together looking for answers and support and government would not crumble, it would become stronger and give instructions as they have standing plans in time of disaster/martial law to take control of infrastructure including assembly of manpower, GOVERNMENT WILL NOT CRUMBLE as government has all the controls and systems in place to effect control by force, police, national guard, DHS and they can in times of need assemble manpower from the public, control roadway access, control everything including food distribution and people will line up for food when the grocery store shelves are empty, not that they would be if the news were to talk about LGM, it would be interesting and people would dawn their ET costumes on Saturday night, but no crumbling government.

Green skin 3 eye 4 arm aliens could walk among us and democrats would still complain about Trump while we honk at each other in traffic and peoples concern would still be who has the bigger house or the nicer car, they would have to be zapping people with ray guns and eating us alive before there was a real disaster like you describe, simply talking about the remains found at area 13 or how we have strange visitors won't change day to day life.

The big debate would be if we give the 4 arm 3 eyed green alien children citizenship or not if their eggs were laid on us soil.
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From what I gather 3rd, 4th and 5th hand, of course, those kinds of life forms with so many eyes are not common in anything but lower order insects. This conversation is degenerating, I’m out on it for now, but you are correct, government has plans in place to remain organized and in power through many scenarios, including outside threats, bought and paid for by part time slave labor, the money cows we are all working for the govt.
I wasn't trying to call other world visitors insects, just making the point that society will not grind to a halt if they walked among us even if they look very different.
I feel I'll have to try this myself :D
Always liked stuff like this

Edit: my best speaker is capable of only 22kHz (He says you need 28kHz) So I will probably stick with my tesla coils and lasers:confused:
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Yea, maybe too many believe our system too fragile to take such a jolt, including myself, I for one would like to see religion take a back seat, we can care about one another and have ethics without it, spirituality for that matter, as they don't necessarily go together, often don't.
