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Video comparing green to bluray

hehe nice meter. not a bad comparision but that is one uuugly green.
Ehh, it's an ancient 50mW "billy" pointer from kaidomain that i've dropped on concrete and generally beat up for half a year.

With a full charge it puts out a true 55mW green and it works great for nighttime astronomy, which is all I wanted it for really. I agree the scattering is bad though.
I was more talkin about the side of the barrel! sheesh!! LOL
Kenom said:
I was more talkin about the side of the barrel! sheesh!! LOL

OOOH. Haha. Yeah, it's just paint flaking off. I'm too lazy to remove it all, but it will come off eventually and the plain brass housing will be left. :)
Lol yeah, the paint on my Nova X45 is flaking off and its ugly as hell. It's almost a completely brass tubing.
