I do think the silicon will hold up, but I don't know about any other plastics that could be on the sensor, especially on the webcam. While it is suggested not to expose the sensors to the sun because of color degradation, the main source of sensor damage is focused heat, not UV. I'll have to find a way to block out any heat from that bulb or other sources.
People have reported color degradation over time when filming sunsets with the "shutter" wide open; a "path" of color degradation would appear where the sun had passed over. I expect this was on a webcam that recorded the sky over longer periods. From this I have some hope that I'll be able to bleach the Bayer filter especially since webcams use plastic lenses instead of optical glass (opaque past 310nm), and are usually uncoated.
Still, that was the sun, focused, over hours a day, so I may have some time to spend bleaching this with the germicidal lamp. The germicidal lamp puts out UV-C, which is blocked by optical glass, and little UV-C makes it through the atmosphere. How those organic dyes might react to it I'm not sure. Worth a shot though.