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UPDATED feeler for a Group Buy-- RGB projector full color

Hi hak, shipping cost to london,uk also free? :)

no free shipping on this GB- yours would be shipped direcly frm LS in China-the USA based rep/store only ships afaik to USA and Canada-

Very soon some of our forum friends wil own some of these and thier reviews will be helpful- but in general some makers are building them smaller and better than EVER before-- and WAY cheaper ~ 50% lower than just a few years back.
And the fact of the FDA complaince is HUGE IMHO

WE get a template for the FDA Variance for (buy or sell)product NOT AN OPERATORS VARIANCE.... WE need both..in USA.
To do public shows- the one we get free allows Walt to sell to us and for us to purchase.. at that point we are 'introducing this product into commerce' using the Variance.
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Got the variance?? I can get you ordered. These come in 10 PC 'batches' and sell out fast.
Want to buy?
We can get you started on the FDA part.
PM asap.
no need to wait on a GB list to fill
ready when you are..
I'm interested. I have plenty of handhelds. Never thought a projector was in reach for us regular folk. Been checking out YouTube. Pretty amazing.
sooner or later..
someone will ask WHY when it comes to handhelds especially when you buy more=====================WHY??

turn why into WOW with a simple PJ.
buying super cheap may be regretted later.
stepper motor PJs
any soft less than $300
ones lacking ILDA in port.

expect ~$500 for a good 500 - 800 mW PJ. plenty bright for home usage.

Quick Show has been around forever (like 30 yrs) and at one time was more expensive and of course did less.

I can get forum friends a discount ...down to $499. on Q.S. w/ FB3 dac

Attend any LEM to see demos of QS

PM Me if you want to call the USA guy for LaserSpace- Walt-
AFAIK he can help with Variance w/o paying 1st for a PJ- iirc
it is a simple template that helps you fill out much of the forms.
.. but you will need to let him know you are forum and in Len's(hak) group.
He owns/runs a projector rental Biz in Mo.
no fee for FDA filing-


