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FrozenGate by Avery

Ummm. I think I should not have bought a Wicked Laser

The thing finally arrive after many moons. Tried it out. It is fairly bright, but not nearly as bright as I had expected. The safety mode (10% power) was good as was the coded startup feature. I could not measure it, but it definately did not look like 1W. I managed to cut black plastic (very slowly) and burn dark paper (again, very slowly). Overall, I was not super impressed with it, but at least it is working (knock on wood). Thanks for the input folks.

I received my replacement arctic not too long ago as well it has been working fine since I got it back but my issues are the fact that it took so long to get the replacement sent to me (a little more than 3 months) and the fact that the laser seems weaker than the first one I had. For $300 I got a laser that's out putting MAYBE 800mw at the very most and that's only if I'm lucky and very good at guessing. I got a laser built by JakeGT for less than $200 that puts out a little more than 1400mw the arctic can't even compare to it, I suggest shopping around on here for a good high quality high powered laser before anywhere else really you will get what you pay for and you will support the other members work and if all else fails you can always build your own.
I also made the mistake of ordering an Arctic from WL and after not hearing anything thing from them for over 72 hours, I did a search and read all the negative postings, ouch....... I sent them a cancellation email and put the charge into dispute. If I hear nothing from "any" company after 72 hour from placing an order, it gets terminated ASAP........ No way will I give them months to string me along.
Research First --> Checkout Second

Hasnt failed me yet
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i have two Arctic's ,one with the safty switch
one without the safty switch
ordering from them is like a box of chocolates
you never know what your going to get
and to tell you the truth i only have the arctic's cause I'm a super starwars nerd
and they look like lightsabers:fightin:
I'm kind of surprised this forum doesn't have a Star ____ Section. Sadly both universes have been lacking in on screen activity lately. I mean we're not likely to see another star wars movie:(

As for star treck... Movie did very well, I'm surprised that there isn't a tv spin off. Maybe after the second movie... which will hopefully be in 2012. I'm still pissed off they effectively killed TNG, and Data in particular, he was my favorite:(
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Ok, also totally OT...

In the Star Trek universe, Data, Spock, Q.

In the Star Wars universe - Vader, Yoda, Luke (he goes on to do a lot more stuff in the extended universe:D)
I've experienced WLs' customer support as of recently (past 2 months ago) when I was looking to get my first laser. Sent them an email with some questions, didn't hear from them in 2 days, sent a follow up email and haven't heard from them since.

I heard about WL from a well known youtube account and their giveaway and review on the arctic s3. Luckily after youtubing some more I found this forum and also found out that its illegal to import high powered lasers into australia
im a new member here so bear with me here. So, i know this thred is a moth old but i had an interesting experience with Wicked Lasers i though i would share!

in April 2009 i ordered an WL E3 elite 405nm.100mw. i was super psyched! untill days later when i still had gotten no word from them. after days of trying to get in contact, to no avail i might add. i finally gave up and started looking through this forum, only to find nearly unanimous negative reviews.needless to say i was bummed! but alot of posts said that waiting is the key, and wait i did...for 7 months (truthfully..i totally forgot about it!) till one day i was cleaning out my email when i found my order reciept.(this was November 2009) so i sent an email to WL requesting to cancel my order and refund my money.again....no word back...untill another 3 months later my money just appeared in my account followed by an email from WL saying they had refunded my money(Feb 2010)...so all was said and done....or so i thought! so 2 days ago im leaving my house and guess whats sitting on my front door step? my WL E3 elite! now mind you it is mid august 2011!!!!!!!more than 2 YEARS after my order! and again mind you that i canceled this order and it was refunded!!! i hate to say it but the laser is AAWESOME!! not to mention........FREE!!! it only took 2 years to get it!
Now you know that the honest thing to do is to return it to them...after 2 years !:wave:

Or maybe the overall cost and the compensation for time/aggravation/etc. versus the actual worth of the unit balance themselves out.
I guess, as always, the decision is up to you.

Enjoy the freebie !
lol maby the people at wicked lasers are always stoned and maby they forget stuff and maby time works different for them. arent they located in california?
