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FrozenGate by Avery

UltraFire F13 NDB7675 465nm+ (MANY PICS)

Jun 30, 2015
NDB7675 UltraFire F13
Before I get started, I would like to say that I have looked all over the forums, and have found no reviews of the F13 modified into a laser. So, I may or may not be the first to build in this host. Either ways, this can be somewhat of an instructional review I suppose:D

To begin, I got the heat sink from Eudamonium. It looks great and fits very well. Thanks!
I bought the ultrafire F13 from Gearbest:UltraFire Ceee XML-T6 Waterproof LED Flashlight
The host is great because it has a lot of mass for its short length, and has fins where the driver is, which helps a ton with heat dissipation.

Here are the specs:
Diode: NDB7675
Driver: 2.4A X-Drive
Batteries: 2x 16340
Lens: 3-Element

From what I have gathered from RHD's spectrometer tests, this diode should be at 466nm. But Cyparagon tested his and got ~470.5 at 2.4A. Mine is probably somewhere in between there, well I hope:( But just by the look of it, it seems in that range. Here is the thread if anyone is wondering:http://laserpointerforums.com/f40/spectro-ing-new-nichia-1-4w-462nm-470nm-ndb7675-89422-4.html

First, I set up the contact board. I just drilled a hole through the center to the spring, then soldered a wire on the spring and fed it through the hole. Btw, I got this idea from DTR.

Here is how the contact board goes back in place:

Then, I attached the contact board leads to the driver. This was pretty hard because of how short the leads have to be for when the heat sink goes in later.

Next, I thermal glued the driver to the host.

My makeshift clamp:D

Here is where I ran into my first problem. the wires coming from the contact board to the driver stuck up too high, so they got in the way of the heat sink. Also, I couldn't get the Ceramique 2 to cure for some reason. I left it sit for 12+ hours, and it still slid around.:( What I ended up doing was flipping the driver over, and putting a small heat sink I salvaged from a broken computer on it. This way, the wires from the contact board came through the holes, and right to the driver. The other 2 wires (to the diode) fit around the driver and through the heat sink. By now, there was thermal paste all over and it was a mess, but it gets covered up by the heat sink, so idc. Also, by a string of luck, the driver heat sink went into the diode module hole of the diode heat sink perfectly, so it wouldn't get smashed:cool:
Again, it looks REALLY messy:o

Then, I put the heat sink in, and soldered the diode to the leads.

All together

This was my first time seeing a blue wavelength other than 450nm. The color is so cyan/aqua! I love it:bowdown:

Comparison with 445nm 1.5W

Now for some night beam shots!
Sadly, my camera does not show the difference between the wavelengths very well.

NUBM44 on the right, NDB7675 on the left

NUBM44 on the left, NDB7675 on the right

NUBM44 on the left, NDB7675 on the right

Overall, this has been the hardest build I have ever done so far. It looks great when finished. If you have any ideas on how to make the driver setup less difficult, please let me know:beer: Remember, there is about 5mm of space between the heat sink and the host. Thanks for looking!

Great job on your build Philip! I like that host; those fins give it just the right look. :D
Did you use a thermal compound, or thermal adhesive (2 part mix), as thermal compounds won't set-up at all.
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I've got one of these hosts and was gonna get a heat sink from euda before I tried the light and liked it.. I also changed my mind when I seen the contact board setup wasn't an average pill.. you need the extra room in this build but good job getting it figured out Phillip I like this build! +rep
Looks good.
What diameter is your heatsink?
I would like to find a host that would fit DTR's 25 or 35mm copper modules, maybe with a little fitting, but basically pretty close to start.
Looks good.
What diameter is your heatsink?
I would like to find a host that would fit DTR's 25 or 35mm copper modules, maybe with a little fitting, but basically pretty close to start.

This would fit a 35mm module perfectly IMO... The ID of the threading is 37mm while the retaining ring (not the chrome threaded piece at top, there is a fixed black retaining fixture that is 34mm ID) as said the chrome piece of mine is literally just for looks in the flashlight setup; the black piece that is holding the lens onto the reflector could be easily removed though for the chrome bezel to hold the heatsink in place. I am curious to know his OD of the heatsink still though, wondering if they are shipped with different sizes.

Oh, and around 30-33mm to the flashlight MCPCB/LED and could be much more if you removed the "deck" they made into the head, and used your own contact board.
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Great build Phillip! Im starting to really want one of these 7675 diodes with the last couple of builds that have been posted. Very nice choice for the host as well, love those limited space builds and seeing how people overcame +Rep
Yes, the divergence of the 7675 looks a lot like the 7875.

Is that correct, is the divergence that good that with a 3 element?

Is the divergence much like a 7875, because that I can live with, any more, even such as the nubm07 and I have to correct it because it's such a line.


Sorry guys, I knew about the 7675 and M462, I was thinking about this diode: http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-Nichia-...138576?hash=item210ebc3e90:g:AnEAAOSw2GlXKVzh

Thinking maybe it was a can/window version of the NUBM07, but as output is down a little I was hoping it might have the old 7875's divergence.
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Red- I have been wondering about those diodes since it was posted on LPF back 3-4 months ago. $150 is a little steep for me ATM but hopefully soon if someone else doesn't bite the bullet, I might have to. I like the possibility of the diode being close to 07e with a can, if the divergence is near the 7875 it might be a great choice.
Yep I've been itching to hit that button but it's the price of 2 NUBMO8,s for me here in Aussie land,

And 4 NDB7675,s

but a few have sold so hopefully we will know soon!
Great job on your build Philip! I like that host; those fins give it just the right look. :D
Did you use a thermal compound, or thermal adhesive (2 part mix), as thermal compounds won't set-up at all.
I used thermal compound (Ceramique 2). That would explain a lot:D
I might buy some arctic silver thermal adhesive and put it on. Thanks!
Great build Phillip! Im starting to really want one of these 7675 diodes with the last couple of builds that have been posted. Very nice choice for the host as well, love those limited space builds and seeing how people overcame +Rep
The NDB7675 is really a great diode for pushing the crap out of it.
If I build in this host again, I will probably drill out the divider behind the pill and thermal glue the driver to the SIDE of the host.
The NDB7675 is really a great diode for pushing the crap out of it.
If I build in this host again, I will probably drill out the divider behind the pill and thermal glue the driver to the SIDE of the host.

Yeah I think that's what the appeal is for me, I'd love to have something up 470+ but I don't have the balls (or the extra cash) to be pushing the 07s as far as it needs to go to get that much of a shift. At least 7675s are half cost which eases the pain a little:p

I'm not too worried with power differences of the two, personally I think around 2w is perfect for all the things I do with lasers. Also it seems that 7675 is pretty robust, no? I haven't read too many dead diode stories about them
What made you chose the NDB7675 over the M462? Is it the WL it can be pushed to? I looked at DTR's site to to compare. I have some new builds in the works and i have been looking at the two diodes trying to make up my mind. Burning stuff isnt my thing. I dont have any diodes rated at th 462nm WL. Help me out guys. Nice choice of hosts btw. I didnt know Eudamonium was making heatsinks still. Do i have this name confused with someone else?
I used thermal compound (Ceramique 2). That would explain a lot:D
I might buy some arctic silver thermal adhesive and put it on. Thanks!

@Philip - You're welcome! :)

@Calikirk - I've got an NDB7675 running at 2.3A in my "Maraxus" host, and recently had it spectro'd, it starts up running at 466nm, and when warm is at 467-468nm.
